Aquatic Life
Extinct Animals

This social insect mostly lives in hives with a queen and hundreds or thousands of sister workers, building storage and nurseries out of wax. 

What are bees or honeybees?


This type of fish is known for swimming upstream from the ocean, usually in summer and fall, to spawn in the same river or stream that they originally hatched from. 

What are salmon?


This type of mammal was popularized as a children's toy by the first President Roosevelt. 

What is a bear or teddy bear?

A group of this type of bird is known as a murder. 

What are crows?


This iconic dinosaur is easily recognized by the staggered upright plates along its spine, and the spikes on its tail. 

What is stegosaurus?


This type of insect is described as "praying," but what it's really doing is "preying."

What is a mantis, or praying mantis. 


This aquatic mammal, which can exceed 200 tons, is the largest animal to have ever lived on earth. 

What is a blue whale?


This burrowing mammal is famous for supposedly predicting how much time there is until spring. 

What is a groundhog?


This common bird was domesticated from red junglefowl. 

What are chickens?


This extinct shark is a popular movie monster, and would have reached lengths over 60 feet! 

What is megalodon?

This type of insect goes through 3 main life stages. The first stage is a caterpillar, the second phase is a cocoon, and the last stage is the adult name. 

What is a butterfly or moth?


These tiny shrimp like creatures are a common food source for filter feeding predators. 

What are krill?


While its vampire cousins may be enough to cause nightmares, this large flying mammal is known for its vegetarian diet. 

What is a fruit bat? 


This type of bird is known for being the fastest animal on the planet, reaching speeds of 200mph while diving at prey in the air. 

What is a peregrine falcon?


This giant flightless bird used to roam New Zealand, and had no wing bones at all. 

What are moa?


This type of insect is known for rolling balls of animal waste around, usually in order to provide food for its larvae. 

What is a dung beetle?


This warm blooded predator fish can grow over 6 feet long, but is mostly known by it's popularity as a canned food or sushi ingredient.

What is tuna?

Recent studies have strong evidence that whales are most closely related to this group of land animals, despite appearing like they should be closer to seals or other carnivores. 

What are hooved mammals, deer, etc.?


This bird looks bright and tropical, but is also extremely tough, living and hatching chicks in lakes that are too salty or hot for almost any other life. 

What are flamingos?


These huge, slow mammals of the Americas could reach up to 9,000lbs and browsed from trees and shrubs. They went extinct around 12,000 years ago, and they may be what used to eat fruits like Osage oranges. 

What are ground or giant sloths?


This type of insect usually feeds on cactus, and is the source of carmine red dye. 

What is a scale insect or cochineal?


While jellyfish are known for their painful stings, this distantly related type of jelly uses sticky cells to catch food instead. 

What are comb jellies?


This branch of mammal, neighbor to true mammals and marsupials, feeds their young with milk but still lays eggs.

What are monotremes? (If no one answers monotreme, platypus or echidna will get points.)


This group of South and Central American birds are notable for the very shiny eggs and often brightly colored eggs they lay, to the point where they can seem fake. 

What are tinamous?


Surprise! This lobe finned fish found off the coast of Africa isn't actually extinct, despite disappearing from the fossil record for 66 million years! 

What is a coelacanth?