when did the first animals appear on earth
574 million years ago
are are Jellyfish and Coral related
yes they are actually close cousins, both belonging to the cnidarians, an ancient group of animals with stinging tentacles.
can you eat puffer-fish in the usa
no Fugu Are Poisonous, But You Can Enjoy Their Great Taste Safely in Japan. Fugu, or puffer fish, are luxury fish that are used as ingredients in food eaten all year round in Japan. These fish are actually poisonous, and they can only be served at restaurants in Japan where a qualified fugu handler works.
are turkeys nocturnal
no Turkeys are active during the day
how many spicies of filter fedding sharks are there
three species the the whale shark and the basking shark and the the megamouth shark
when did the first worms appear
500 million years ago
are dogs and cats related
can you eat jellyfish
Some species of jellyfish are suitable for human consumption
are aye aye nocturnal
Aye-ayes are nocturnal spending up to 80% of the nighttime hours foraging for food
how many spices of sharks are their in the world today
500 species of sharks swimming in the oceans today
when did the first land animals appear
420 million years ago
are Birds and Dinosaurs related
yes Coelurosaurian dinosaurs are thought to be the closest relatives of birds, in fact, birds are considered to be coelurosaurs
can you eat kangaroo
yes Kangaroo is quick and easy to cook. It is best to serve kangaroo fillets and steaks medium rare, due to its low fat content, it can dry out if overcooked. However, kangaroo mince, sausages, burgers and meatballs
are skunks nocturnal
Skunks are mild-tempered, mostly nocturnal,
what is the most aggressive shark
Great White. You don't become the subject of a movie like "Jaws" without being dangerous in real life as well. Indeed, the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) leads all other sharks in attacks on people and boats, as well as fatalities.
when did the first mammals appear on earth
can you eat a poison dart frog
no Their bright colors serve as a warning that their skin is poisonous, so it's best not to eat them.
are mudskippers nocturnal
The Atlantic mudskippers are diurnal, which means they are active and feed during the day.
Do sharks sleep
Most sharks do not sleep
when did the first living cells appear on earth
3.8 billion years ago
are horses and rhinos related
yes Horses or equids, tapirs and rhinos are in the same group or 'order' and are known as 'Perissodactyls'. This means they have some things in common and they have come from the same type of animal, a common ancestor, millions of years ago.
can you eat a tiger
yes People often eat tiger meat to preserve German traditions
are rhinos nocturnal
White rhinos are both nocturnal and diurnal, grazing both day and night.
What is the fastest shark
The fastest shark is the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus). It has been recorded to reach swimming speeds of up to 20 mph