What are invertebrates? (invertebrados)
Animals without a skeleton (animales sin esqueleto)
What are vertebrates? (vertebrados)
Animals with a skeleton! (Animales sin esqueleto)
What type of animal are humans: Invertebrate or vertebrate? (Invertebrado o vertebrado)
Amphibian, Reptile, Fish, Bird, or Mammal?
Vertebrate and Mammal! (Vertebrado y Mamífero)
Name 2 tips for staying healthy (Nombra 2 consejos para mantenerse saludable)
Eat healthy (come sano), Sleep 8 to 10 hours (Duerme de 8 a 10 horas), Do exercise (Haz ejercicio)
Name 2 invertebrate animals
Name 2 vertebrate animals
Name the 5 senses. (Nombra los 5 sentidos)
Taste (Gusto), Smell (Olfato), Sight (Vista), Touch (Tacto), Hearing (Oído)
Humans are mammals because we eat plants and ______. (Humanos somos mamíferos porque comemos plantas y _______)?
Name 2 different categories of invertebrates!
Sponges (esponjas) , Jellyfish (medusas), Worms (gusanos), Molluscs (moluscos), Anthropods (artrópodos), Echinoderms (equinodermos)
Name 3 animals which lay eggs. (3 animales que ponen huevos)
Fish, shark, frog, snake, turtle, crocodile, birds....
Humans perform 3 vital functions. What are they? (Humanos realizan 3 funciones vitales. Cuáles son?)
Nutrition, Interaction, and Reproduction.
(Nutrición, Interacción, y Reproducción)
Fins are the limbs of _______. (Las aletas son las extremidades de ______)?
Fish (pescados)!
Name 2 invertebrates with a shell (invertebrados con conchas)
Crab (cangrejo), Lobster (langosta), Snail (caracol)
There are 5 categories of vertebrates. What are they?
Fish (Pescado), Amphibians (Anfibios), Reptiles (Reptiles), Birds (Pájaros), Mammals (Mamíferos)
2 body parts in the digestive system? (2 partes del cuerpo en el sistema digestivo?)
Mouth (boca), Oesophagus (esófago), Stomach (estómago), Intestines (intestinos)
What type of animal is Spongebob? (Que tipo de animal es Bob Esponja??)
Invertebrate (invertebrado) and Sponge (esponja)