How old is Bella
What is 1year
How long does a Fenix Fox live
What is 10 or 14
What is the largest animal in the ocean?
What is a blue whale?
What type of fish did I have?
What is a beta
How many different plants live in the rain?
What is 200,000
What is my dream dog
What is corgi
How long is a scorpions lifespan
What is 3 to 5
What animal am I researching in the polar
What is a arctic fox
True or false:a parrot fish is a real thing
What is True
What is the most colorful animal in the rainforest
what is a Scarlet Macaw
How many toes does a cat have?
What is what is 18
True or false:a pupfish lives in the desert
What is true
True or false: bears can swim
What is true
How many Teeth do sharks have
What is 50 to 300
What is the heaviest animal that lives in a rainforest
What is a Amazonian manatee
What is the oldest cat bread
What is Egyptian Mau
How many hearts does a camel have?
What is 3
How long is a polar bear pregnant
What is 195-265 days
How how many years have jellyfish been around?
What is 650 million years?
How long is a leopards lifespan
What is 12-17
What dog bread has been around the longest
What is saluki
How many species of desert animals are there?
What is 7,000
How many different types of animal live in the polar
What is 21,000
How many species of fish are there?
What is 35,500
How many different animals live in a rainforest
What is 50 million