what is a cats' favorite food
what is tuna
what is a dog favorite food
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what is a pig's favorite food
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what is a goats favorite food
what is brush
what is a chicken's favorite food
what are insects
what is a cats favorite drink
what is milk
what is a dogs' favorite drink
what is water
what is a pig's favorite drink
what is Lemonade
what is a goats favorite drink
what is water
what is chickens favorite drink
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what is a mouse
what is a dog's favorite toy
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what is a pig's favorite toy
what is rooting
what is a goats favorite toy
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what is a chickens favorite toy
what are fake mice
what is a cat's favorite song
what is chilli pipers
what is a dog's favorite song
what is soft rock
what is a pig's favorite song
what is war pigs
what is a goats favorite song
what is The Goat
what is a chickens favorite song
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what is a cat's favorite movie
what is the lion king 2
what is a dog's favorite movie
what is Homeward Bound
what is a pig's favorite movie
what is angry birds
what is a goats favorite movie
what is Tulpan
what is a chickens favorite movie
what is Chicken Run