define behavior
how an animal interacts with other animals or its environment
define fertilization
- when the male sperm meets the female egg
define circulation
the movement of nutrients in the body
- bring in oxygen
- remove carbon dioxide
define respiration
how oxygen goes from outside the body into the bloodstream
what is an innate behavior, give an example
- something that does not need to be taught
- reflex (blinking)
- instinct (migration)
What is the difference between external and internal fertilization?
external: egg and sperm meet outside the body
internal: egg and sperm meet inside the body
define an open circulatory system
one in which the fluid is not held in vessels
- inside is covered in blood (hemolyph)
What are the four types of respiration
- spiracles
a behavior that has to be taught
- ex. a dog learning to catch a ball, a mouse learning to navigate a maze
What is the difference between internal and external development
- external: offspring develops outside of the female body
internal: offspring develops inside the female body
What are three components of a closed circulatory system
- veins
- arteries
Give an example of an animal that uses skin for respiration
What are the four types of communication
- sound
- sight
- chemicals
- touch
What is the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis?
complete: includes a hibernation stage (pupa)
incomplete: does not have a pupa, instead it has a young phase called a nymph phase
What is the difference between arteries and veins and how do they connect
arteries: go away from the heart (usually carry oxygen)
veins: go toward the heart (usually carry CO2)
connect at capillaries: where the gas is exchanged
Describe spiracles, what kind of animals use them
spiracles are holes in the sides of an animal's body that allows gas to flow to the animal's tissues
- insects (grasshopper, caterpillar)
What are the four types of messages
- aggression
- territory
- dominance/submission
- courtship
Fish and chickens both lay eggs, how are they similar in development but different in fertilization
similar because they both have external development
different because fish have external fertilization while chickens have internal fertilization
given an example of an animal with a
- double chambered heart
- triple chambered heart
- four chambered heart
3- reptiles and amphibians
4-alligators, crocs, birds and mammals
How does the heart relate to the lungs
when o2 reaches the lungs, it will pass into the bloodstream where it will then be carried into the tissues, carbon dioxide will then be picked up from the tissues and brought to the lungs to breathe out