All mammals are __________ which means they have a ________ .
vertebrates, backbone
Birds are _______ , this means they lay ______ .
oviparous , eggs
Reptiles spend most of their time on ______ but spend some of their time in ______
land, water
Fish are the ______ group of vertebrates.
Invertebrates do not have a ________ .
Almost all mammals are ________ , which means that they give birth to live babies.
Birds can be ________ , _________ or _________ .
This means they eat meat , plants or both meat and plants.
carnivores , herbivores , omnivores
Baby reptiles look like _______ reptiles when they ______ .
adult, hatch
Some fish keep their eggs in their ______ until they hatch.
Many invertebrates have an ________ or a ______ , but some just have a _____ _____ .
exoskeleton , shell , soft body
Most mammals have _____ and ______, which keeps them _____.
fur , hair, warm
Birds have ______ which they use to eat food. Birds breathe with their _______ .
beaks , lungs
Most reptiles have _____ _______ , but some have no ______ .
four limbs , limbs
Fish breathe with their ______ . They have _____ and a _____ which help them move around.
gills , fins , tail
Arthropods are the biggest group of invertebrates.
This group includes four subgroups : _____ , ____ ,
______ and _______ .
insects , arachnids , myriapods , crustaceans
Dolphins use _________ to move in water. They breathe through a _____ at the top of their head.
flippers, hole
_________ are seabirds. They have long, sharp beaks which help them catch fish.
Reptiles have ______ which cover and ______ their body. Some reptiles have a ______ .
scales , protect , shell
Amphibians are _______ . They lay their eggs in the water. The babies change through _________ and grow into adults.
oviparous , metamorphosis
An example of an insect is a _______ , of an arachnid is a ______ , of a myriapod is a _______ and of a crustacean is a _______ .
bee , spider , centipede , crab
The ____-______ _________ is a monotreme. Monotremes are _______
duck-billed platypus, oviparous
_________ have hooked beaks, _______ have long, sharp beaks and __________ have long, thin beaks
Eagles, penguins, hummingbirds
Lots of reptiles _____ and _____ . Some ______ and others can ______ .
walk , run , slither , swim
Frogs have _______ feet that help them swim.
Baby frogs are called ______
Salamanders have ______ skin which helps them breathe.
webbed , tadpoles ,moist
Molluscs have a soft body.
They are separated into three different groups ,
________ , ________ and ________
gastropods , bivalves , cephalpods