American comic strip cat known for his laziness and love for lasagna.
Who is Garfield?
German folklore held that this animal found babies in caves or marshes and brought them to households in a basket which they carried in their beaks.
What is a stork?
The mascot for St. Louis' major league baseball team is also the state bird of Ohio.
What is a cardinal?
Known as the fastest land animal, capable of accelerating up to 70 mph for short distances.
What is a cheetah?
This flying mammal uses a special skill called echolocation to determine the distance of various objects around them.
What is a bat?
Created in the 1940s, he is known for his love-hate relationship with his fellow animated star, Jerry.
Who is Tom?
A mythical winged horse and one of the most recognized creatures in Greek mythology.
What is Pegasus?
The University of Michigan's mascot.
What is the wolverine?
The largest living species of bird.
What is an ostrich (or common ostrich)?
They have the biggest brain of all land animals and are believed to have an extraordinary memory, capable of retaining a mental map of their entire home range (typically an area the size of Rhode Island).
What are elephants?
Advertising mascot for the 9Lives brand of cat food, most popular during the 1970s and 80s.
Who is Morris the Cat?
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Sailors once mistook this aquatic mammal for mermaids.
What are manatees?
"Swoop" is the name of the mascot for Philadelphia's NFL team, represented by this animal.
What is an eagle?
Although this semi-aquatic mammal primarily feeds off of vegetation, it is considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world due to its highly aggressive nature and wide opening mouth revealing large canine tusks.
What is a hippopotamus?
They can survive seven days without water and carry in their bodies mounds of fat that can provide energy equal to three weeks worth of food.
What is a camel?
Created in Japan in 1974 and originally marketed to pre-teen females, this fictional character is a well known media franchise worldwide.
Who is Hello Kitty?
In Scottish folklore, it is said to inhabit the waters of the Scottish Highlands and became famous after a photograph of the so-called beast was published in 1934.
What is the Loch Ness Monster (or Nessie)?
A live and costumed version of this animal serves as the mascot for Louisiana State University.
What is a (Bengal) tiger?
A flightless bird, with a streamlined body, and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat, it is a species confined to southern African waters.
What is the African penguin?
(Also known as: the Cape penguin, South African penguin, black-footed penguin, an jackass penguin)
This animal prepares for six months of hibernation by eating up to one-third of their weight on daily basis. When they emerge, they respond to changes in light and temperature which helps them play a part in determining the weather forecast.
What is a groundhog?
American internet celebrity cat known for her permanent facial expression, she first appeared in 2012 as the face of many humorous internet memes.
Who is Grumpy Cat?
An ancient fable claims that this animal cries while killing their prey. The myth is somewhat reality, as the glands that keep their eyes moist are right near their throats, forcing tears into their eyes.
What are crocodiles?
"Hooper," the mascot for the Detroit Pistons is this animal.
What is a horse?
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Along with the common chimpanzee, this member of the great ape family is the closest living relative to humans, and is found only in a small area of the Congo Basin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
What is the bonobo?
This animal has the ability to revert back to it's juvenile form after mating, which leads scientists to believe it can live forever.
What is a jellyfish?