Name an animal you find at the zoo
Any answer
Name the animal that is raised for its wool.
a sheep
Name an animal that builds a dam
a beaver
Name two insects that sting
ant and mosquito
Name an animal that lives in a jungle
Any answer
What animal is famous at Sea World
a whale, orca, Shamu
What noise does a monkey make?
Good job!
How are a cow and a horse the same?
Have, a tail, four feet, hoofs etc
Name an animal that has antlers
deer, etc.
What does a spider build?
a web
Name an animal that lives in water
Any answer
In Spongebob what animal is he always trying to catch with a net
Show me the action a gorilla makes
hint: chest and arms...
Goob job!
Where do most farm animals live?
in a barn
Name an animal that hides acorns
Name an insect that bothers people at picnics
ants and mosquitos
Name an animal that lives in a burrow
mole, etc.
Name a type of shark
hammer shark
tiger shark
great white shark
What is the name of someone who works at the zoo?
Name 3 birds that live on a farm
Chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese etc
How does a skunk protects itself?
Spray stinky stuff
Why are insects a problem for farmers?
eat the crops
Name an animal that lives in a swamp
Can you name 2 type of animals in Nemo?
Double the points! if you can name the type of Fish Nemo is.
Turtle, fish, shark, manta ray, etc.
Double the points:
Clown Fish
What are at least three different jobs zookeepers do at the zoo?
feeding animals, cleaning, medical care of animals, training of animals
What animal keeps mice away
owls or cats
What animal looks like it wears a mask?
a raccoon
Name an insect that people are often afraid of and describe it
Good job!
Name an animal that lives in a den
A. Salt water
B. Fresh water
Salt water