About 350,000 of these species exist
What is beetles.
An organism that is in its early stage of development.
What is an embryo.
What are the two primary types of behavior seen in animals?
What are innate and learned behaviors.
When a signal travels from one animal to another and there is a response in some way.
What is communication.
The two main types of plants...
What are vascular and nonvascular plants.
Vertebrate animals have .....
What is a backbone.
The majority of animals reproduce .....
What is sexually.
A mammal nursing from its mother is an example of what type of behavior.
What is an innate behavior.
The four ways that animals communicate with each other....
What are sound, touch, chemicals, and sight.
Many scientist believe that plants and _____________ share a common ancester.
What is green algae.
Which animal is not a vertebrate? fish, mammals, insects and reptiles
What are insects.
The process by which cells develop into specialized cells with specific jobs within an organism.
What is Differentiation.
What are finding food, marking territory, defensive actions, Courtship, and parenting.
Chemicals that animals use to communicate with each other....
What are pheromones.
This modern day plant was once a dominant species and grew to great heights. It is now the source of much of the coal we use for energy today.
What is horsetail.
Which type of animal, vertebrates or invertebrates, make up most of the animal species on Earth?
What are invertebrates.
A group of tissues within an organism that carry out a specific function of the body....
What is an organ.
When an animal travels from one place to another due to seasonal changes and lack of resources.
What is migration.
Honeybees perform a __________________ to inform other bees where it has found food.
What is a "waggle dance"
The White Pine tree is an example of this type of plant.
What is a Gymnosperm.
Organisms that are composed of more than one cell are termed......
What is multicellular.
What trait sets animals apart from plants?
What is being a consumer or an organism that eats other organisms.
A type of biological clock that occurs daily...
What is circadian rhythms.
Smiling is an example of this type of silent communication...
What is body language.
These plants produce flowers and fruits.
What are angiosperms.