This animal is the biggest mammal on land
What is the Elephant?
Name 1 bird that cannot fly.
Streamer Ducks
How many legs does a spider have?
Name 3 types of farm animals
Cow, Pig, Goat, Sheep, Donkey, Horse, Pony
I am not a kitten, but my children are. What am I?
This is the tallest animal on land
Can birds learn how to talk?
Yes, they can.
Parrot can talk English Speech.
True or false: Butterflies can only be orange and black.
False. There are butterflies that are yellow, blue, and white
True or false: all cats have fur.
False. Sphinx cat doesn't have fur
I am from Africa. I like bananas and apples. I don’t eat meat. I am grey. I’ve got big ears. I am big and strong. I can carry things, people. I am..?
An elephant
This animal can go without food and water for a long time
True or False: Most hummingbirds weigh less than a nickel.
True. The largest species is 9 inches
Name 2 types of insects that can't fly
ant, flea
How many lives has a cat said to have?
It takes a house when it goes.
A tortoise or a snail
True or false: All mammals are warm-blooded animals.
True. They are called endotherms cause of there warm blood.
True or False: There are around 10,000 different species of birds worldwide.
How many legs does a fly have?
This pet can fly.
a budgie or a parrot
He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.
A hedgehog
This is the fastest animal on land
What 2 types of bird has really long legs and neck?
What is the Emu and the ostrich?
True or False: Cockroaches are older than dinosaurs.
True: They were here 55 million years before dinosaurs
Are humans the only animals that can communicate with each other?
NO! All animals communicate with speech or body language.
Two ducks before a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle. How many ducks are there?
Three ducks :)