Australian Wildlife
North American Wildlife
African Wildlife
South American Wildlife
Arctic/ Asian Wildlife

This famous marsupial is the national animal of australia.

What is a Kangaroo?


This hooved mammal is often found in Yellowstone national park.

What is american bison?


This is the fastest land mammal on earth.

What is cheetah?


This slow moving mammal can have two or three toes.


What is a sloth?


This flightless bird lives in Antarctica.

What is Emperor Penguin?


There are two animal species that are egg laying mammals. Name one of them 

What are platypuses and Echidna?


This mammal is known for pulling Santa's sleigh. 

What is reindeer?


This is the worlds tallest land mammal.

What is a girraffe?


This fish lives in the amazon river and is known for biting things.

What is a piranha?
This animal lives in only china, and is its national animal.

What is a giant panda?


This a large bird is the cousin of an ostrich and runs fast.  His partner is Doug

What is an emu?


This is the national bird of the United States of America?

What is a bald eagle?


This hooved mammal's horns are made of the same stuff as our fingernails.

What is a Rhinoceros?


This snake is the biggest snake in the world.

What is a anaconda?


This endangered big cat is a national treasure and is the keystone to the Indian forests.  Name this cat and you have earned your stripes as a wildlife enthusiast 

What is a Bengal Tiger?


This reptile can live in saltwater and has a very powerful v shaped jaw.

What is a crocodile?


This mammal is the largest carnivore in North America. Thankfully it loves to eats fish.

What is a grizzly bear?


Females provide only for their own cubs rather than assist each other, and males display no paternal care. 

What is a hyena?


This large nemesis of the hare can live up to 150 years.  It was hunted and almost extinct in 1959.  These protected creatures can weigh up to 550 lbs.

What is a Tortoise?


These large water mammals can often be found in the arctic.  They are the true top of the food chain, as they can and will hunt down the great white shark. 

What is an orca/ killer whale?


This cute and sleepy marsupial is not a bear. You can find one taking a nap in a eucalyptus tree.  

What is a koala?


This golden colored marmont lives in the lowlands. It can communicate threats to others through whistling warning calls. Careful or a shadow will spook it.  

What is a groundhog or woodchuck?


This nocturnal mammal can move 2 feet of soil in just 15 seconds.  

What is an Aardvark?


This venomous amphibian is well known.  Bullseye you got it.

What is a poison dart frog?


This slow, quiet hunter of the ocean is the longest living of the vertebrate creatures living 250- 500 years. It is found in cold arctic waters.  It's color is more of a grey color than its name would suggest.  Must be specific in the name.

What is a Greenland shark?