Hot and dry
猴子, 老鼠
monkey, mouse/rat
I have four legs. I like to go for walks. I bark
I am a dog.
camel, scorpion, lizard, cobra
the desert
How's the weather in the arctic?
Cold and dry
elephant, sheep
I have whiskers. I have sharp claws. I purr.
I am a cat
iguana, capybara, sloth, jaguar, lemur
the rainforest
The weather is moderate in the _______.
grasslands OR steppe OR prairie OR savanna
seal, owl
I have a long tongue. I have no legs. I have scales.
I am a snake.
polar bear, penguin, walrus, seal, narwhal
Name three animals that live in the ocean.
Fish, squid, shark, whale, crab, salmon, octopus
rooster, bison
I have four legs. I am big and gray. I have a trunk.
I am an elephant.
lemur 狐猴
black bear, snowy owl, reindeer, moose
the taiga
What's the difference between the steppe and the savanna?
The steppe is drier and colder. The savanna is wetter and warmer.
犀牛 (xi1), 綠鬣蜥 (lie4xi1),河馬
rhino, iguana, hippo
I have four legs. I look like a horse. I have black and white stripes.
cheetah 獵豹
gazelle, lion, ostrich, cheetah, giraffe