An animal with a backbone, that provides support and movement
This group of animals make up 97% of all animals on Earth
They are house pets. They are different sizes, the colors are black white , brown and grey.
This sea creature can regenerate its arms.
This animal is similar to a cheetah
house cat
This large grey mammal has large ears.
African Elephant
The blue whale, the largest animal on Earth, belongs to this vertebrate group.
Instead of having an internal skeleton, this group of animals has a hard outer shell of protection called
A color changing animal that has full 360 eye control
these soft-bodied, boneless sea creatures float and swim in the ocean, but don’t get too close, they may sting you.
This very energetic, hairy mammal has long arms, short legs, and is closely related to a human
How many years can an Asian elephant live up to?
48 years
These are the five classes of Vertebrates
Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish
This yellow insect makes a sound as it flies through the air, and it is responsible for making a sticky treat.
The Honey Bee
This mammal has a long neck, yellowish coat, and long legs. What am i?
A giraffe
This invertebrate, known for its intelligence, has eight arms and can change color.
Even though these two sea creatures are very different, one being very soft and the other very hard, they are actually related.
Jellyfish and Coral
Elephants are often hunted for these, when they use them for hunting.
Ivory Tusks
Unlike reptiles, mammals have this key feature to keep warm.
Fur (hair)
These invertebrates have shells and they move slowly leaving a trail of slime behind them
This primate loves eating bananas and they can be many different colors and sizes.
A red shelled animal that strikes as fast as a bullet.
mantis shrimp
These two animals are very different but are actually related, one is highly complex and walks on two feet, the other is huge and live in the ocean.
Humans and Whales
This part of the elephant is used for grabbing food.
a trunk
This mammal has a backbone made completley of cartilage
This animal is known as the largest Invertebrate
the giant squid
This long reptile likes to twist around itsit’s food, stopping it from breathing, before using itsit’s many teeth to chomp it up. It is very long and when it has food it twist it around so it can die
This large ocean creature has very sharp teeth, and is very sneaky.
This animal is related to shark in which they both have a cartilage skeleton
Manta ray
The now-extinct relative of modern elephants that lived during the Ice Age.
a woolly mammoth