Wild Card
Taking Flight
slimy, slick, and cold

The main purpose of white spots on fawns

What is Camouflage against predators


Found in forested wetlands, eats insects and occasional seed and fruits, snakes and racoons eat it's eggs.

Hint: often called a "Swamp Warbler"

What is the Prothonotary Warbler


Live in heavy understory or thick shrubs and grasslands, near or in riparian areas that reduce opportunity for human contact. Found all across Texas and a great example of omnivores. Cause ecological damage via their rooting behavior and competition for food and space with native wildlife species and predate upon many small amphibian and reptile species.

What is the Wild pig


Is one of the most abundant Sunfish species. The fish's body is dark green in color and oval shaped with dark bars running vertically down their sides. The femal is yellow, while the belly of a breeding male is a rusty red color. It has two dorsal fins and a small mouth.

What is the Bluegill


Identify Picture 1

Whitetail deer


are used to manage wildlife and their habitat

What are Habitat Management Practices


is a medium sized song bird that have a yellow breast with a black chevron marking on the chest. They are grassland obligates (only found in grasslands 6+ acres) that nest on the ground, eating insects and seeds.

What is the Eastern Meadowlark


Habitat is various wetlands that have permanent water with a variety of shrubs and trees adjacent to the water. Diet consists of inner bark of shrubs and trees and store cuttings in caches for use during winter. 

What is the American Beaver


are members of the Sunfish family and are the most popular freshwater sportfish in the states where they are found. Adults eat small fish and a variety of minnows, tadpoles, crayfish, and even ducklings.

What is the Largemouth Bass


Picture 2

Prothonotary Warbler


Wise use of natural resources and of wildlife

What is Conservation


Adult males are grayish on the head with a yellow face and chest, crosed with a bold black V. The back is brown and gray, with warm reddish-brown shoulders. Habitat is native grasslands and savanna, agricultural areas during winter. Eats insects and grass seeds.

What is the Dickcissel


Found in the eastern half of the country, throughout Texas, including some areas of the Trans Pecos Region. Nest site is 5" deep depression linedwith plant material and fur, usually found in meadows or at the base of trees. predators include almost all flesh-eating animals including hawk, eagle, owl, coyote, and fox.

What is the Eastern Cottontail


3.5" - 7" long; up to 1.5 lbs

eats insects, crayfish, other ____, reptiles, snails, fish and occasionally small mammals and birds.

found on shorelines with dense vegetation adjacent to shallow open water dominated by floating and submerged aquatic vegetation.

What is the American Bullfrog


Picture 3

Wild Turkey


(Noun) woody vegetation, such as twigs, leaves, and young shoots of brush, tree, and vine species eaten by animals.

(Verb) to feed on twigs, leaves, and young shoots of brush, tree, and vine species.

What is Browse


are large, dark rown and black gamebirds with fan tails. Males have wattles, spurs and a snood. Females are drabber.

What is the Wild Turkey


Is a large rodent with prominent orange teeth and a large, flat paddle shaped tail.

What is the American Beaver


Found in grasslands and shrubland, shrubby flat or gently rolling prairies with loose, sandy soil.

eats mostly toads, but also other reptiles, birds, mice, and eggs.

predators include foxes, coyotes, racoons, hawks, American crows.

What is the Plains hog-nosed snake


Picture 4

Eastern Meadowlark

There are 20 of these and cost and budgets are not considered when recommending them.

What are HMPs (Habitat Management Practices)


Young hatch blind and are covered with fine white feathers. They roost on limbs and cavities during the day. They eat small mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and invertebrates. It's habitat is mature forests of all types with an abundance of relatively large trees and cavities, often near water.

What is the Barred Owl


Found in deciduous and coniferous forests, tropical evergreen forest, dry grasslands, shrub desert and suburban areas. Predators include coyote, mountain lion and bobcat Tracks are narrow, heart shaped with split hoof.

What is the White-tailed Deer


Found in streams, rivers, reservoirs and lakes. Range in Gulf coast states and the Mississippi River valley, but they have been introduced to most regions of the United States. They have smooth skin (no scales), a deeply forked tail, and sharp dorsal and pectoral fins that can inflict a nasty cut if the fish s handled improperly.

What is the Channel Catfish


Picture 5

Bared Owl