What are Bald Eagles?
The Bald Eagle has been our national emblem since 1782. They have white heads, brown bodies, and yellow beaks. These birds eat turtles, snakes, fish, ducks, rabbits, and dead animals. The Bald Eagle can reach speeds of 100 mph when diving down to catch their prey.
What is a cheetah?
A cheetah can accelerate to speeds of 60 mph in 3 seconds! That's faster than a car. When a cheetah is sprinting after their prey, their claws grip the ground like cleats. Cheetahs mostly live in Africa and in Iran.
What is a cougar?
A cougar is also referred to as the puma, mountain lion, or panther. Unlike the lion, the cougar can't roar, but they can purr like a house cat. Cougars prey on deer, domestic animals,livestock, and insects. Cougars mostly live in South America.
What is the giant panda bear?
The giant panda bear is the most endangered species in the world. There are only 1000 to 2000 giant panda bears left in the world. Giant panda bears mainly eat bamboo. When they aren't eating bamboo, they're eating rodents, eggs, and fish.
What is the great white shark?
Most humans are afraid of the great white shark because they are huge, but shark attacks on humans are rare. Great white sharks have a blue-gray color on the top of them. This helps them blend in with the bottom of the ocean. They use this to camouflage into the ocean and make it easier to catch prey.
What is the green sea turtle?
Green sea turtles start out as 2 in long, but as they age they can grow up to as much as 700 lbs. Green sea turtles can hold their breath for hours at a time underwater because of the way the cold temperature affects them. In the ocean these turtles can swim up to 35 mph, but on land they move very slowly.
What is the grizzly bear?
Grizzly bears live in western Canada and northwestern United States. Grizzly bears prey on nuts, fruit, leaves, roots, fungi, insects,salmon, fish, rodents, and sheep. Their paws are the same size as human hands. Grizzlies have a better nose than the hound dog.
What is the killer whale?
The killer whale is one of the oceans largest predators. . They prey on seals, sea lions, fish, sea birds, turtles, octopuses, and squid. Killer whales even prey on other whales, including the blue whale who is 3 times larger than the killer whale.
What is the lion?
The lion is the second largest cat in the world. The first is the tiger. Lions live in groups of 30 called prides. Pride members keep track of one another by roaring. Lions mainly live in Africa.
What is the mountain gorilla?
The mountain gorilla is the most endangered type of gorilla. They live near the volcanic slopes of Africa. Mountain gorillas are shy but very strong. If they feel threatened, they will become aggressive. They pound their chests and let of their loudest roar.
What are narwhals?
Narwhals are smaller versions or the whale who live in the Arctic Circle near Canada and Greenland. Male narwhals have a spiraled tooth that come out from their heads. The long, hornlike tooth can reach up to 10 ft long. Narwhals are the unicorn of the sea.
What is the polar bear?
The polar bear is the largest land predator. They can weigh as much as 1300 lbs! I can't even imagine that. The polar bear may seem like it has white fur but it's actually clear. The polar bear also has black skin. This type of animal has a strong nose that they can use for tracking their main source of food, the seal.
What is the quokka?
The quokka is the only animal in the world that doesn't stop smiling. It literally smiles 24/7. Quokkas are mainly nocturnal. They eat the leaves, stems, and bark of many plants in addition to grass. Quokkas also live in Western Australia.
What is the African penguin?
The African penguin likes the heat more than the cold, since it lives in Africa. They have dense waterproof feathers. African penguins can live from 10-15 years, but most don't live this long. Due to this, they are now endangered.
What is the American bison?
Even though people think bison are buffalo, they are more related to cows and goats. They live in the plains of the United States and Canada. Bison are herbivores and eat grass. They are like to rest during the day.
What is the short-beaked echidna?
The short-beaked echidna looks like a porcupine mixed with an ant-eater. They lay eggs and have a very low body temperature. The short-beaked echidna preys on ants, termites, grubs, larvae, and worms.
What is the capybara?
The capybara is a semi-aquatic animal and spends most of its time in the water. They live in Central America and South America. They have webbed feet to help them in the water while they escape from predators, such as the anaconda.
What is the African elephant?
The African elephant is the largest land mammal in the world. Male and female African elephants' both have tusks. Their tusks are used for digging, foraging, and fighting. An African elephant can hear another elephant calling from 2.5 miles away.
What is the wombat?
The wombat is a very small marsupial that looks like a small bear. The wombats fur that ranges in color from sandy hues to darker browns and blacks. Wombats live in Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, and New South Wales.
What is the plains zebra?
The plains zebra have black and white stripes that make it the most recognizable animal in the world. No two zebras have the same pattern on their fur. Plains zebras eat grass and are herbivores. Zebras live in Africa.
What is the Siberian tiger?
The Siberian tiger is the largest cat in the world. No tiger has the same pattern in their fur. The Siberian tiger lives near Russia, China, and North Korea. They live off of elk, boar, bears, deer, rabbits, pikas, and fish.
What is the Tasmanian devil?
The Tasmanian devil used to live in Australia, but now only lives on the island of Tasmania. They have black fur which they use to their advantage at night when searching for food. The Tasmanian devil will eat anything and can eat anything. They have powerful jaws that can crush bones.
What is the ring-tailed lemur?
The ring-tailed lemur lives in the southern part of Madagascar. They have brownish-gray fur and black and white stripped tail. Ring-tailed lemurs look for leaves, flowers, bark, sap, and small invertebrates to eat.
What is the bottlenose dolphin?
The bottlenose dolphin is the most popular dolphin in the world. It is extremely recognizable in TV shows and movies. They swim as fast as 22 mph and 3000 ft deep down into the ocean.
What is the bonobo?
The bonobo shares 98.5% of its DNA with humans. They also have human like qualities like the ability to express emotion. They have learned how to communicate in human languages, use tools, play music, and in one case, a bonobo actually tried driving a golf cart.