History of Animation
Movie Market Share
Movie Goers
Innovations and Innovators
The company started by Lucasfilms in 1979 originally creating motion picture graphics such as artificial crowds and commercials.
What is Pixar Animation?
The Motion Picture Association of America rating that commands the largest market share.
What is PG-13?
Until the 1990's, nearly all animated films were targeted to this demographic group.
What are children?
Originally part of DreamWorks SKG, this Co-founder became CEO of the new DreamWorks Animation in 2004.
Who is Jeffrey Katzenberg?
Title character in the 2008 Academy Award winning movie about a robot that is accidentally left running.
Who is Wall-E
The year the first full length animated motion picture, Snow White, was distributed by Disney.
What is 1937?
The highest market share by MPAA Rating in 1995.
What is R?
The two primary things that parents were looking for when selecting a computer animated film in 2010.
What are family entertainment and a clear message?
The brands of computer hardware and software used by Steve Jobs' Pixar Animation.
What is Dell and Linux?
This Satuerday Night Live alum provided the voice for the title character in Dreamwork's blockbuster "Shrek".
Who is Mike Meyers?
The feature film that became the highest grossing film of 1995, generating $362 million in world wide box office receipts.
What is Toy Story?
The movie production method that captured the greatest market share after live action, an average 8.5%, in the 8 years 2001-2009.
What is Animation/Live Action?
This geeky apparatus was used by movie goers up until 2011 to view movies in 3 dimensions.
What are 3-D glasses?
In 2009, co-founder and CEO of DreamWorks Animation deemed this technology the "new frontier" of movies.
What is Stereoscopic 3D?
In Disney's first computer animated feature film, this phrase was Buzz Lightyear's call to action that mimics Pixar's philosphy.
What is "To Infinity and Beyond!!"
In 2011, this French gaming company made its first computer animated film based on its hugely successful MMORPG (massively multi-player online role-playing game) World of Warcraft.
What is Vivendi Games?
The year DreamWorks Animation decide that all their computer animated movies going forward would be in 3-D.
What is 2009?
The overwhelming favorite snack sold at movie theatres in the years 2020 to 2035.
What is Popcorn?
The innovation of 2018 that attracted all movie goers back to animated films.
What is the interactive Selectivision remote?
In 1986, Pixar's first short film received an Academy Award® nomination for Best Animated Short Film, the name of the small hopping lamp character later used in its movie intros.
Who is Luxo Jr.?
In 2025, this movie was the first to use Reactive Transformation technology.
What is World of Warcraft III: Inihilation of the Paladin?
Throughout the 2020’s, this production method held the greatest market share.
What is Selectivision?
The term used to describe the attribution of human characteristics to animals and inanimate objects, a theme that is prominent in many animated films.
What is Anthropomorphism?
Quoted as saying “If you give a good idea to a mediocre group, they’ll screw it up. If you give a mediocre idea to a good group, they’ll fix it.”
Who is Disney's President of Animation, Dr. Edwin Catmul?
This British rock star played the Prince of Darkness in Vivendi's World of Warcraft released in 2013.
Who is Ozzy Osbourne.