Block Categories
Code Reading
Fix the Error
Scratch Challenges
Grab Bag
If you want to check if sprites are within a certain distance of each other, you should use this category of blocks.
What is Sensing.
What pattern will the sprite move in? (Links for this category will be added once I put stuff on drive.)
What is a Triangle
The program shown is meant to have the sprite move in a square, but when the flag is pressed nothing happens. How should we fix it.
Add the when flag is pressed block.
Write a program with one sprite so that when you press the up arrow, the sprite gets bigger, when you press the down arrow, then sprite gets smaller, and when you press the space bar, the sprite changes costume.
First to complete the challenge wins, and explains what they did.
This is the name for a block that repeats other blocks of code.
What is a loop
If you want to change which blocks of code get executed, or add a delay between sections of code, you should use this category of code blocks.
What is Control.
What will the sprite say?
What is 10
The program is meant to start with the sprite on the left, and then move to the right, however, after the first time the sprite just stays on the right. How should the program be fixed?
By having the sprite go to the left at the start of the program.
Write a program with a slowly increasing variable, and a sprite that says something if the variable is above 25.
This is the version of scratch that we play-tested, despite it not being released yet.
What is Scratch 3.0
This category is used for storing information and accessing it later.
What is Data
What polygon will this sprite make?
What is a Hexagon
In this program, the scratch cat is supposed to dance while the drum is playing, but he does not continue to dance after the first time. How can this be fixed?
Move the change costume block into the loop.
Make a program that has a sprite follow the mouse cursor, and leaves a stamp whenever the mouse is clicked.
This is the name for several images shown one after the other, in order to give the appearance of motion.
What is an Animation
This Category is used for drawing on top of the background.
What is Pen.
What path will the sprite take?
It will move forward until it hits the red, then it will turn around and come back until it hits the edge.
In this program the scratch cat is supposed to look in all four directions, but instead nothing appears to happen when the flag is pressed. How can this program be fixed.
By adding wait blocks between all of the turn blocks
Write a program using a background that has two different colors, with a sprite that moves around the screen. The sprite should use a different costume depending on which color he is on.
This is the name of the category of blocks that allows the Scratch Cat to meow.
What is sound?
Blocks from this section will almost always be first in any segment of code.
What is Events
How will the sprite move, and will it end higher or lower than where it started?
In this simple game the counter is supposed to go up by one when the ball hits the cat, but instead it goes up by more than that. How can this be fixed?
By adding a wait block after the score increase.
Write a program with 2 sprites bouncing around the stage. When the sprites collide, make them bounce off of each other.
These are the instructors of this course.
Who are Korryn, Jacky, Brian, and Kevin?