A technique where an animated character or object is drawn in a more exaggerated way to show velocity, momentum, and mass
What is squash & stretch?
A group of listeners, spectators, or admirers at an event, or a viewing. The people you are trying to reach with a message.
What is audience?
A motion picture made up of illustrations that include small changes in each frame to give the appearance of movement
What is animation?
To work or cooperate jointly with individuals who are after the same purpose.
What is collaboration?
The act of showing or presenting an idea in a completely clear manner, so the audience will understand what the message is
What is staging?
An individual who engages professional services or advice from a marketing agency or business
What is client?
A single still image in an animation
Designed to inform and educate on a topic that is meant to change public opinion or behavior or raise awareness. Usually short and quick.
What is public service announcement?
Creating a way for the audience to expect and be ready for the next action
What is anticipation?
Information delivered by words or symbols (speech and writing). Can be verbal or nonverbal, followed by behavior such as eye movement, and body language.
What is message?
The appearance of a subject or object when light touches the surface. May be described in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation. Sets the mood, tone, and theme of the project.
What is color?
The statistical characteristics of human groups and populations. Used in development and market research.
What are demographics?
Animating an action from the first drawing to the end of the sequence in order
What is straight ahead?
Main purpose, or focus that is meant to be accomplished such as an idea or message.
What is mission?
An animation feature that shows the illustration from the previous frame(s) as a light line to help place the new drawing in position to the last.
What is onion skin?
Props is/are the main subject or idea an audience concentrates on, or pays most attention to.
Replace the italicized word with the correct term.
What is focal point?
Sketching out the key poses first before filling in the in-between poses
What is pose to pose?
The attitude the speaker is presenting towards their subjects or characters. Helps in communicating message or argument.
What is tone?
The frequency that the frames of an animation appear on display (the number of frames shown per second)
What is frame rate?
Illusion is the perception of visual input even after the subject has been removed.
Replace the italicized word with the correct term.
What is persistence of vision?