General Anime
The Big 3
Currently Running
The publisher of most of the manga and anime that are big in the West; the name has also become a term for the type of anime they typically publish.

What is Shonen (Jump)?


The anime most responsible for making the genre popular in the West; its author, Toriyama-sensei, died recently.

What is Dragon Ball (Z)?


The Big 3 is used to refer to these anime that ran during their publisher's "golden age" of the mid-2000s.

What are One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach?


This anime explores what it means to become a hero through a young boy who thought his dream was impossible.

What is My Hero Academia?


The remake of Fullmetal Alchemist added this word to the title, emphasizing the relationship of the two main characters.

What is Brotherhood?


This refers to any anime where the main character is forced to live in a world different from the one they're from.

What is isekai?


One of the first mecha anime, this franchise now has over 50 series, films, and OVAs; its plastic models make up 90% of the Japanese character model market.

What is Gundam?


All of the Big 3 have survived to today in some form; this sequel series follows one of the main character's son.

What is Boruto?


The main character becomes a monster to save his people.

What is Attack on Titan?


This 2006 OVA about the king of vampires was designed to be a more faithful adaptation than the original series.

What is Hellsing Ultimate?


The Japanese term for manga artist.

What is mangaka?


This "magical girl" anime names its characters based on celestial bodies.

What is Sailor Moon?


The publisher of the Big 3.

What is Shonen Jump?


This anime about the title characters' strange journeys takes place all over the world, and from the 1800s to modern day.

What is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?


This anime originally aired in 1999, with the remake coming out in 2011; some people will say the x in the name while others won't.

What is Hunter x Hunter?


Most anime come out like any other show; on TV, weekly. This type of release is usually longer and not aired on TV originally

What is OVA?


This show about the grandson of the famous thief Arsene was one of the pioneering anime of the 70s; Part 6 of the anime began airing in 2021, on the 50th anniversary of the original.

What is Lupin III?


The oldest of the Big 3.

What is One Piece?


Figuring out the family tree of the main character of this anime, usually called JJK, could be quite the trip.

What is Jujutsu Kaisen?


This anime's dark world and giant sword were originally brought to screen in 1997. The 2016 remake is often labelled as one of the worst remakes ever due to its production quality; it may have been made during an eclipse.

What is Berserk?


This sub-genre of slice-of-life anime derives its name from the Japanese word for healing; it typically depicts characters in a calming environment and is intended to "heal" the audience.

What is iyashikei?


The main character of this anime does not kill immediately with his signature attack; it gives him time to say "You are already dead."

What is Fist of the North Star?


Not counting sequel series, the oldest main character of the Big 3.

Who is Luffy?


Set in the Taisho era, most of what happens in this supernatural anime, including the existence of the antagonist and the protagonist's organization, is unknown to the public.

What is Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba?


Originally airing in 1998, this show's main character Vash sees his nickname enter into the title of the remake, airing in 2023.

What is Trigun?