Common Tropes in Anime
Basic Japanese
Character Characteristics
Numbers in Anime
Name that anime

What item is usually in the mouth of a character as they are running late to school?

What is bread/toast?


What is a rough translation for “irasshaimase”? 

What is welcome?


This character has a love for coffee jelly and is way too overpowered?

What is Saiki Kusuo?


What year did Death Note come out? (+/- 1 year)

What is 2005-2007? Actual answer is 2006.


The plot of this anime involves a giant guy falling in love with a girl that he saves from a harasser on the train. This giant guy has a kind heart and a handsome childhood friend.

What is My love story?


Where do main characters usually sit in the classroom?

What is back row and closest to the window?


How do you say good morning in japanese?

What is ohayo/ohayo gozaimasu?


This character is a shiba inu dog in Inuyashiki. She is known for having fell down the stairs.

What is Hanako?


How many episodes did Spy x Family get this season? Exact answer.

What is 12?


This anime is most typically known for having this one comedic relief character. This character has the skill of the ”Lucky Lecher Lure”, in which she falls into embarrassing situations. This anime has connections to Soul Eater.

What is Fire Force?


Name an anime in which the main character’s parents are alive and present in the anime.

Many answers are possible.


In what context is ”itadakimasu” used for?

What is before a meal?


This character has pink and green hair due to eating too much sakura mochi. She is also the love hashira.

What is Mitsuri?


According to a twitter user that attended this past Anime Expo, what was the highest level of ppm of carbon dioxide present? Hint: 5000 ppm is needed for carbon dioxide poisoning to start. (+/- 100 ppm)

What is 4700 ppm?


This anime involves the student council, in which the president and the vice president both secretly compete in having the other confess their love for each other.

What is Love is War?


Due to copyright, McDonalds’s name is often adjusted. Name a version of McDonalds that can be found in anime.

Many answers are possible.


What does “gomen nasai” roughly mean?

What is “I’m sorry”?


This character is severely socially awkward with green eyes that have purple eye bags under them. She has long black hair that covers her right eye.

What is Tomoko?


How many years of training did it take for Saitama to become overpowered? Exact answer only.

What is 3?


Name any anime in which a tsundere is one of the main characters. (A character who has an initially harsh personality in which gets warmer with time?)

Many answers.


This type of episode is common in almost every anime. Typically an excuse for fanservice. 

What is beach episode/hot springs episode?


How do you say friend in japanese?

What is tomodachi?


This character is good at various sciences and histories in the way that he is able to have built civilization from the ground up. He has spiky hair with green tips.

What is Senku?


Approximate how many episodes of one piece are out. (+/- 20 episodes).

What is 1026?


The plot of this anime involves students coming together to kill someone who destroyed 70% of the moon. This someone would act as their teacher and has the appearance of a yellow octopus.

What is assassination classroom?