One day a kid looks out his classroom window to see an object fall from the sky. After picking it up he learns to eat potato chips to kill people, all while outsmarting a world class detective who really loves feeding himself cake like a greek king.
Demon Slayer
After living the life of a street thug, this character became saddened with how his life went until one day a train gave him the chance to do it over.
Once a simple charcoal transporter, this boy now breaths so hard he can stand up against a guy who slaps his chest to turn the room upside sideways. Meanwhile, his friend falls asleep to save a guy from another monster.
Demon Slayer
Originally doing things to seem cooler in front of his friends, this character only realized what he wanted to do in life was after viewing the morning streets of his home city.
Yatora Yaguchi
These highschool group members take turns inflating a balloon in an attempt to prove they aren't scared of each other until someone peels an orange and everything blows up.
This girl has poor vision, yet is an excellent sneaky citizen of a small, cliffside village. She likes to roll around in her fruit.
The government and a group of mobsters get angry when they find out a 12 year old boy stops coal mining to help a girl escape with her shiny necklace.
Castle in the Sky
Violet Evergarden
Kyoto Animation
With the title of Blank the Tall, this commander lead an invasion on England only to switch sides and hunt down the prince of his home country.
The son of a government agent quits his job for the 3rd time because he can't handle dealing with his girl roommate because she is a better pilot than him, except when it matters, like when he kills his new best friend.
Perfect Blue
As the second wife of the king, this character tries her best to show how much she cares about her step son, until she has a kid of her own. Her healing powers help her get closer to him.