What is the name of your heel bone?
What muscle is most responsible for dorsiflexion?
Tibialis Anterior
What two bones does the CFL connect to?
Calcaneus and fibula
How does the ATFL, CFL, and PTFL become injured?
Which two bones make up your lower leg?
Tibia and Fibula
What muscle flexes the little toes?
Flexor digitorum
Deltoid Ligament
Pointing your toes, pushing on the gas pedal, is what motion?
A partially torn ligament is diagnosed as what kind of sprain?
2nd Degree
what is tissue?
Which muscle extends the big toe?
melting ice
What motion does the flexor hallicus provide?
Big toe flexion
What ligament is injured by excessive eversion?
Deltoid, ATFL (anterior tibiofibular ligament)
What is the ball of your ankle called?
Which to muscles merge to form the achilles tendon?
Gastrocnemius and Soleus
What is the high ankle sprain ligament? (spelled out)
Anterior TIBIOfibular ligament
What two motions occur between the tibia and the talus?
Dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
What does RICE stand for?
What are the two main weight bearing bones of your ankle?
Talus and Tibia
What are the three muscles that evert the foot?
Peroneal longus, brevis, tertius
What are the three lateral ankle ligaments? (spelled out)
anterior talofibular l., posterior talofibular l., calcaneofibular l.,
This motion occurs between which two bones?
Talus and calcaneus
regulation of blood glucose levels
what is a negative feedback loop