Spell Voltage.
What is Victor, Oscar, Lima, Tango, Alpha, Golf, Echo.
What is the main source of renewable energy customers have at their premise.
The lightbulb that describes past interactions with the customer and premise.
What is the notes lightbulb?
The amount of points for a late fee.
How much is 2 points?
The default EPP amount.
How much is $150?
Spell kilowatt.
What is Kilo, India, Lima, Oscar, Whiskey, Alpha, Tango, Tango.
What is KWH delivered and KWH received?
When there's an open service order this lightbulb will be illuminated.
What is the Pending SO lightbulb?
Evidence of Tampering points.
How much is 999 points?
A customer has to respond to the _______ within 5 days.
What are channel confirmation requests and terms of service?
Spell Transformer.
What is Tango, Romeo, Alpha, November, Sierra, Fox-Trot, Oscar, Romeo, Mike, Echo, Romeo.
When KWHA happens.
When is the KWHR higher than the KWHD?
When an action is sent out to another department this lightbulb will be illuminated.
What is an EWQ lightbulb?
Return Check Points.
What is one point?
If a payment arrangement lightbulb is red.
What is supervisor approval before doing a payment arrangement?
Spell Manufacturer.
What is Mike, Alpha, November, Uniform, Fox-Trot, Alpha, Charlie, Tango, Uniform, Romeo, Echo, Romeo.
How NV Energy decides what size solar panels a customer can get.
What is the highest 12 month consumption out of the past 24 months.
When a group of properties such as mobile homes are tied to one meter this lightbulb will be illuminated.
What is the Master Meter Lightbulb?
The disconnect for Non-Payment point amount.
How much is 35 points?
The three charges that are not applicable to customers on flex pay.
What is reconnection charges, credit checks, and deposits?
Spell Electromechanical.
What is, Echo, Lima, Echo, Charlie, Tango, Romeo, Oscar, Mike, Echo, Charlie, Hotel, Alpha, November, India, Charlie, Alpha, Lima.
The two Net metering types have tariffs confining them.
What are the NMR-405 and NMR-B?
The blue lightbulb.
Bankruptcy write off points.
What is 60 points?
The rate change amount that will change an EPP amount.
Over 5%