Longer Qs

The order, from bottom to top, of the plate on which the pluripotent stem cells stick to the most. (wording is bad here

What is: glass, polystyrene nanosheet, and matrigel


RNA Xist spreads BLANK across different stem cell lines. (fill in blank)



In simple terms, what was the goal of the experiment?

To create layer that improved stability of pluripotent stem cells on glass (bonus points for observing the spread of Xist)


The reason why plastic is not as suitable for RNA FISH  imaging as glass is. 

What is flourescence


Explain what is a pluripotent stem cell?

Stem cells are a unique form of cell that have the capability to mature into multiple cell types or cell fates when given the right environment/chemical cues.


What does polystyrene look like? (draw on board please)


In general, how does RNA-FISH work?

fluorescent proteins are attached to genes of interest. A laser then shines on the cell sample, exciting the fluorescent proteins and causing them to fluoresce/illuminate! This is then imaged, allowing us to see exactly where gene transcription is occurring in the cell.


The method the authors used to make sure the polystyrene nanolayer was not disrupting the cell?

What is: RNA sequencing (aka RNA seq)


Why does nanosheet + matrigel substrate work better than just matrigel?

Nano + matrigel gives the cell more hydrophobic bonding points (which certain extracellular proteins like!)


Give the step by step synthesis method of creating the polystyrene nanolayer

Make polystyrene solution (from polystyrene and toluene). Put a drop on the center of the glass. Spin the glass. Let cool. 


What is lncRNA Xist?

Non coding RNA, that is responsible for inactivation of X chromosome


Why is being able to image stem cells significant?

Stem cells contain the unique genetic material of the patient they came from. This allows us to conduct more studies about disease progression and cell growth in a way that accurately represents patient heterogeneity.