Leaders of the Scientific Revolution
Galileo, Copernicus, & Isaac Newton
To balance the power between
countries so that no one country had
More power than others, restore (bring back) monarchies, (leadership) in power before Napoleonic wars
Congress of Vienna
Influences of the Scientific Revolution (and two beliefs)
Heliocentric (Sun is the center); Geocentric (Earth is the center)
Stalin's rule of the Soviet Union
Totalitarian Regime
● Killed political opponents
● Censored citizens
● Secret Police - TERROR
● 5 Year Plan – Increase
Agricultural and Industrial
● Collectivization – widespread food shortage and forced
famine/starvation in Ukraine.
What was Japan's Tokugawa Shogunate political system?
Agricultural Revolution impacts
More food = More people born (increase life expectancy-people lived longer, and birth rates)
● Caused the Industrial Revolution & urbanization - farmers forced to move into cities; workers were displaced/no longer needed on farms due to new farming technology like the seed drill/crop rotations
What is important about Galileo and Copernicus?
The sun, not the Earth, is the center of the universe`
Causes of WWI
What were the causes of World War I? M – A – N – I – A
● M – Militarism – increase size and strength of military
● A – Alliances – Germany defends ally Austria-Hungary, forces
France and England to defend
their allies of Russia and Serbia
● N – Nationalism – Pride/loyalty in country – Serbian nationalists kill Austria-Hungary’s leader
● I – Imperialism – Nations
compete and fight for colonies
around the world
● A – Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand – Balkans aka “the
powder keg of Europe” -
IMMEDIATE CAUSE/SPARK that started World War I - Germans joined Austria Hungary in
Term for absolute monarchs who used minimal enlightenment ideas to reform their country.
Enlightened despots.
Cause for the Latin Independence Movement fights
● The American and French Revolution
● Limited rights (not enough rights)
● Enlightenment ideas of Natural Rights (John Locke)
● Nationalism – Loyalty/Love/Pride for Country/Culture
What were the effects of the Iranian Revolution?
● Iran - FIRST Islamic Republic
● Iran returned to traditional customs/beliefs
● Sharia Law – limited rights for women
● Islamic fundamentalism
What struggles were Africans faced with after gaining its independence?
● Clashes/Fights with traditional tribes
● Islamic fundamentalism
(traditional Muslim ideas) vs.
Modernization (Western ideas)
● Ethnic/tribal differences or
What is the relevance of Montesquieu?
Separation of powers (3 branches)
Prevent tyranny or corruption through checks and balances
Robespierre and Jacobins Guillotine (people and purpose)
Beheading of Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette
Weapon to cut off heads`
Rulers that changed/reformed their methods via Age of Enlightenment
Catherine the Great
Peter the Great
Frederick II
Natural rights (liberty, freedom)
Consent of the governed
People should be able to elect and also overthrow government officials
Limited government (limited control over the people)
Estates General, Storming of the Bastille, Tennis Court Oath, Declaration of Rights of Man and
Woman and Citizen
Reign of Terror
Key events of the French Revolution
What is the purpose of the 3 separate branches of government?
Separation of powers
Ideas = reasoning & logic; scientific experiments
Challenges = challenged the church's beliefs
What caused the Chinese Communist Revolution?
They wanted to eliminate democratic ideas
● Peasants supported Communism – promised land
and power to peasants
● Mao Zedong leading the Communist Chinese
● Long March - Mao escaping anti-Communist Chinese government
How was Napoleon defeated by Russia?
Russia: size, climate, "scorched Earth"
What was the policy of Apartheid in South Africa?
● Apartheid was a series of laws that segregated and discriminated against the majority black population of South Africa.
● This policy was started and upheld by the minority white population who held all governmental power.
Toussaint L’ouverture – Haitia; Jose de San Martin & Miguel Hidalgo - Mexico; Simon Bolivar – Argentina
Latin Independence Movement
What were Cold War policies and events?
Capitalism – U.S. and NATO vs. Communism - USSR (Russia) and Warsaw Pact
● U.S. Marshall Plan & Truman Doctrine - Support Countries
with $ to prevent spread of
● USSR used military pressure to create Communist governments in Eastern Europe
● U.S. and Soviet Union (USSR) avoided war to prevent global
nuclear destruction (no nuclear
● Arms Race (weapons), Space Race (NASA wins)
● Berlin Wall
What caused the Iranian Revolution?
● Failure of the leader, Shah Reza Pahlavi, to meet needs of the people
● Shah supported Western ideas, not Muslim ideas -
Viewed as a PUPPET of the West
● Ayatollah Khomeini, leader, who supported Islamic
fundamentalism – Sharia law – Muslims wanting to
keep traditional beliefs
● Khomeini and traditionalists rejected Western and
modern beliefs including increased women’s rights