Beach Cleanups
Ocean Friendly Restaurants
Ocean Friendly Gardens
Plastic Pollution

When is our upcoming beach cleanup?

November 9th!!


What is an OFR?

Restaurants that are committed to making sustainable choices for our ocean. (No single use plastic!!)


What is an OFG?

Sustainable landscaping program that provides natural solutions to reduce polluted runoff and support resilient coasts. 


What is our main plastic pollutant?

Bottles and container tops

(Will also accept the answer of food/drink plastic)


Who is our beach cleanup committee head?

Maddie Davis & Elizabeth Quintero


Who is our ocean friendly restaurant committee head?

Grace Adamo


Who is our ocean friendly garden committee head?

Liliana Brodjieski


How can we help eliminate plastic pollution?

Beach cleanups, lobbying, advocating, data collection, research, spreading awareness


Why do we track beach cleanup data?

We can use data to identify and solve plastic pollution problems. (Share data into further research)


What is one ocean friendly restaurant in Annapolis?

Forward Brewery, Vin, Leo, Ingrain Coffee, The Point, Preserve 


Where does our club plan to start an OFG, OR who does our club plan to collaborate with?

Downtown Annapolis, or at school

Annapolis chapter, broadneck club, spalding club


What is one bill that SR is working on to help eliminate plastic pollution?

MD bottle bill, skip the stuff, OFR, OFH


What is the purpose of a beach cleanup?

To help eliminate plastic pollution and collect data


What is one requirement of an OFR?

Only reusable food ware, no styrofoam, paper straws, no beverages sold in plastic bottles, no plastic bags for take out, proper recycling practices.


What is one OFG requirement?

Native plants cover at least 50% of garden, turf grass kept to a minimum, all plants are climate appropriate, no invasive species.


What does plastic do to the ocean?

Affects water quality, can close beaches, sea animals killed by ingesting plastic/ getting entangled in it.