May Jailer and Sparkle Jump Rope Queen
What are Lana's stage names?
Cave Game
What was minecraft almost called during development?
What inspired Dali's "The Persistence of Memory"
This film won the Best Picture Oscar in 2003, becoming the first fantasy film to do so.
What is “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”?
Operation: desert storm kicked off this war in January 1991?
What is the gulf war?
This album took the famous duet only 4 days to record
what is White Blood Cells?
The Throat of The World
Where can you find a Minecraft easter egg in skyrim?
Gandalf, Sauron, the Balrog
Who are the Maiar?
This streaming service is known for “Stranger Things” and “The Crown.”
The Parthenon was dedicated to this Greek goddess
Who is Athena?
World Destroyer, Kreft, Lord Nosferatu
What are Nattefrosts former bands/aliases?
Dinnerbone, Grumm, Jeb__, Toast, Johnny
which nametags have special effects in minecraft?
The colour wheel
what revolution in art precedes the independent USA
This Russian author wrote “War and Peace.”
Who is Leo Tolstoy?
WW1 officially ended on this date
what is November 11th 1918?
Hearts of Fire, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid and Masked & Anonymous
What are Bob Dylans film credits?
God of all mortals, Lorkhan
What are tamriels moons?
Stuart Townsend, Nicolas Cage, Daniel Day-Lewis
Who almost played Aragorn instead of Viggo?
Spains national dish, featuring saffron
what is paella?
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
How many awards has Lana won?
337 books and 316,000 words
63rd cousins
How are aragorn and arwen related?
Homer, Grampa Simpson, Krusty the Clown, Groundskeeper Willie, Mayor Quimby, Sideshow Mel, Mr. Teeny, Santa's Little Helper, Itchy, and Barney Gumble
Which characters did Castellaneta voice alone for the simpsons?
Where was Shakespeare born?