What is a crop that is only grown for sale?
Cash Crop
Who was the commander of the Spanish conquistadors that invaded the Aztec Empire.
Hernan Cortes
What country developed economically due to fishing and fur trade?
What disease did the Spanish bring that the Aztecs and Incans started to fall sick and die from?
What Country is this?
What is a company that operates in many countries?
Who was the first European to round the Cape of Good Hope?
Bartolomeu Dias
Where was the first permanent French trading post and settlement in the Americas whose whole purpose was to trap animals and trade fur for money?
Quebec on the St. Lawrence River
What did the Spanish bring to the Aztec and Inca empire?
Disease, new technology, and weapons
What's the most popular tourist destination in the world?
What was the Columbian exchange?
The exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the Western and Eastern hemisphere
Who is Vasco de Gama?
The first European to explore the Carribean Sea.
Who issued a royal charter to the Virginia Company of London for the purpose of establishing a colony in North America?
King James I
What did Cortes and his army build for the Aztec?
Government buildings and churches
What flag is this?
What is the act of coverting people to Christianity?
What Spanish explorer invaded the Incans and took advantage and captured the new emperor?
Francisco Pizarro
By the end of the seventeenth century, who established control over most of the eastern seaboard of North America.
The English
What empire is in the central Andes of South America?
The Inca
What country is this food from?
What is mercantilism?
A set of principles that held the prosperity of nation that depended on a large supply of gold and silver
Who was Samuel de Champlain?
The founder of the city, Quebec
What land did the Dutch government charter the West India Company to colonize?
The land between New France and English Virginia
Who was the commander of the Spanish force of conquistadors that invaded the Aztecs.
Hernan Cortes
Who is this?
Frida Kahlo