Mixed Conditionals
(be/get/-) used to
Gerunds VS Infinitives

I wouldn't have cancelled our meeting today if I not / to have a runny nose. (You still have a runny nose.)

I wouldn't have cancelled our meeting today if I didn't have a runny nose. (You still have a runny nose.)


It's believed Einstein ____ (say) that to grow your creativity and imagination, one needs to welcome boredom into one's life.

It's believed Einstein used to say that to grow your creativity and imagination, one needs to welcome boredom into one's life.


I can afford (live) anywhere in the world since I'm working remotely.

I can afford to live anywhere in the world since I'm working remotely.


I didn't realise that it was my colleague's birthday until I had left the office.

Not until I had left the office did I realise it was my colleague's birthday.


give me 3 phrasal verbs related to shopping and clothes

take off/ put on/ sell out/ try on / pay for / look for/ dress up, etc.


You wouldn't complain about your small problem if you to see the news yesterday. (You didn't see the news yesterday.)

You wouldn't complain about your small problem if you had seen the news yesterday. (You didn't see the news yesterday.)


Lazy people ___ constantly ______  (utilise) different programmes and gadgetry to get their work finished faster.

Lazy people are constantly getting used to utilising different programmes and gadgetry to get their work finished faster.


Do you really remember (text) Sarah back yesterday? She insists that you haven't messaged her for a week.

Do you really remember texting Sarah back yesterday? She insists that you haven't messaged her for a week.


I have never believed his stories.

Never have I believed his stories.


give me 4 collocations related to carrers

change or switch careers / persue in one's career / find a job / be fired or sacked from / hire somebody, etc


You not / to drop your biscuit into your drink if you were paying attention. (You dropped your biscuit into your drink a minute ago.)

You wouldn't have dropped your biscuit into your drink if you were paying attention. (You dropped your biscuit into your drink a minute ago.)


Lazy people ___ (do) things slowly and never admit they have space in their timetables to squeeze something else in.

Lazy people are used to doing things slowly and never admit they have space in their timetables to squeeze something else in.


Paul stopped (smoke) on his way back home. His wife doesn't like him doing it around her.

Paul stopped to smoke on his way back home. His wife doesn't like him doing it around her.


Nick seldom talks about that fateful day.

Seldom does Nick talk abous that fateful day.


give me 4 phrases to talk about people's emotions and feelings

bottle up / ill at ease / disstressing / on edge / go to pieces / have nervous of steel


I not / to be so angry if that car hadn't blocked the pedestrian crossing. (I am very angry now!)

I wouldn't be so angry if that car hadn't blocked the pedestrian crossing. (I am very angry now!)


When you went to Florida in summer, did it take you long to _____ the climate?

When you went to Florida in summer, did it take you long to get/be used to the climate?


I appreciate (have) your advice, but it's my life, and I'll figure out how much I should (use) social media myself!

I appreciate having your advice, but it's my life, and I'll figure out how much I should use social media myself!


The rain had hardly stopped when the kids ran outside again.

Hardly had the rain stopped when the kids ran outside again.


Give me 2 phrases to express wishes and hypothetical situations

if only/ I wish / I'd rather/ It's time


Kevin wouldn't have annoyed other car owners if he not / to park over the lines all the time. (Kevin parks over the lines all the time.)

Kevin wouldn't have annoyed other car owners if he didn't park over the lines all the time. (Kevin parks over the lines all the time.)


Before I started cycling, I  ____ (drive) to work.

Before I started cycling, I used to drive to work.


Jensen deserves (win) in the game competition. He's been practising (play) the game for 3 years.

Jensen deserves to win in the game competition. He's been practising playing the game for 3 years.


She has at no time indicated that she couldn't cope with the loss.

At no time has she indicated that she couldn't cope with the loss.


Give me 4 reported verbs and make one sentence

warn, remind, suggest, ask, advise, say, tell, offer, etc