The Film
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Pop Culture and History
Everyone's Favorite Character!
The Diary of Anne Frank was filmed and released in this decade.
What is the 1950s
The real last name of Peter Van Daan.
What is Van Pel
Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Smith, and Mr. Grosshans all attended this "wild" university.
What is Weber State University
While visiting the Secret Annex, this Canadian pop sensation wrote "Anne is a belieber" in the guest book.
Who is Justin Beiber
Although lost, it is known that Margot also wrote in one of these.
What is a diary.
Ed Wynn, the actor who portrayed Mr. Dussel, is the voice of what "crazy" Disney film character.
What is The Mad Hatter
The patriarch of one of the families, this person was directly involved in publishing Anne's diary.
Who is Otto Frank
The amount of times the letter "O" appears in the name of our school's principal.
What is zero times--Bertelsen
The landing of the allies on the beaches of Normandy, France is called this by the hiders.
What is "The Invasion"
Margot died of this tick causing illness.
What is Typhus
This Thor actress is shown in our textbooks portraying Anne in a stage production.
Who is Natalie Portman
Mr. Frank edited mean comments in the diary that Anne wrote about this person, believing Anne would have preferred him to.
Who is Mrs. Edith Frank
The name of our upcoming school-wide test, it is a vocabulary term in The Outsiders that means "wise and experienced advice."
What is sage
This man was president of the United States during World War II.
Who is FDR
This character complains that all anyone talks about is how "wonderful Margot is."
Who is Anne Frank
Richard Beymer, best known to all teenage girls in Mr. Grosshans' and Mrs. McDonald's classes as "Peter Van Daan," is best known for portraying Tony is this musical version of Romeo and Juliet.
What is West Side Story
Only this book (as of the year 2000) has been published in more languages than Anne's diary.
What is the Bible
Trademarked by the NCAA, this is the penultimate round of the college basketball tournament.
What is the Final Four
The leader of the United States military during World War II.
General Eisenhower
Margot receives a used, but erased, one of these for Hanukkah.
What is a crossword puzzle.
The playwrights/screenwriters of The Diary of Anne Frank also wrote the screen play for the original Father of the Bride and this Christmas classic that sure rings a bell.
What is It's a Wonderful Life
The published title of Anne's diary.
What is The Diary of a Young Girl
This Big Bang Theory character has stated on the show that she has portrayed Anne in a small stage production of The Diary of Anne Frank.
Who is Penny
Partly sharing its name with a Tom Cruise WWII film, Anne states that the stomachs of the people in hiding sound like this Wagner composition.
What is "Ride of the Valkaries
When grading her school work, Otto tells Margot that she should have used one of these on her assignment.
What is a subjunctive