Name a global crisis.
. (The teachers will decide.)
Name an element.
(Teachers decide)
How many phases does the Moon have?
8 phases.
Find 0.16 in its fraction form.
Is the Covid-19 virus a global crisis?
Yes, it is a global crisis.
How many types of line art have we learned?
We have learned 4 types of line art.
How many planets are there in the solar system?
8 planets.
Find 2/4 in its decimal form.
How is Covid-19 a global crisis?
It is a global crisis because it affects a lot of people in different communities.
What is the name of the 4 types of line art?
1. Line art showing minimalism.
2. Line art showing emotion.
3. Line art showing movement.
4. Line art showing illusion.
What does phenomenon means?
Phenomenon means an event or a situation that makes people question why or how it happens.
What is 0.20 in its fraction form?
What is the 4 ways to tell if an issue is significant?
1. People think it is important, or at the time it happened, people thought it was important.
2. It affects a lot of people, or it affected a lot of people when it happened.
3. It affects people for a long time, and it changes how they will live in the future.
4. It will lead to other important events, or it has already led to other important events.
How many types of form/shape have we learned about in Art?
4 types.
What is the first phase of the moon?
Full moon.
Find 3/5 in its percentage form.
Is climate change a global crisis? Answer this base on the last question of 4 ways to tell if an event is significant.
Yes, it is. Because it will affects people for a long time, and it changes how they will live in the future, it will lead to other important events, or it has already led to other important events.
What are the 4 types of form and shape that we learned about?
1. Shape and Form Art Showing Exaggerated Proportions
2. Shape and Form Art Showing Motif
3. Shape and Form Art Showing Fonts
4. Shape and Form Art Showing Geometry
What is the last phase of the moon?
Waning Gibbous.
Find 125% in its decimal form.