Camper's Choice
Meal Time!
Clean Up Parties
Random Facts

True or false: We wing it with announcements every time. Just say what comes to mind as important in the moment.

False! Our announcements are all scripted out with intentional information and explicit instructions.  This way any of us can use positive reinforcement and show follow through with expectations no matter who gave the announcements to the kids.


During the week, how many camper's choice activity periods do we have?

Two! 1 hour on Tuesday before dinner, and a 2 hour sesh on Thursday before lunch


You're in the cook yurt. It's Wednesday morning. You & your fellow instructor are on breakfast duty but you've had a brain fart and forgot what you're supposed to make and in what order. How do you proceed?

Look on the fridge! There are printouts of meal flows and recipes there :)


Describe the vibe of a dish party

Fun, upbeat, everyone has a job.

At the beginning, set up an appropriate tone and make sure it’s right for your group before getting the “party” atmosphere going.  Make sure kids know where to go and who to go to if they finish a job, that they understand their job fully, and that you are checking on things to be sure that kids are being safe, getting along, and doing their jobs right.  Lots of positive reinforcement!  


"smack" is the collective term for a large group of what sea creature?


How do we decide who does what announcement?

Reference the schedule


Every Tuesday, there are 2 essential activities we do: 1) ______ spaghetti dinner w/ kids 2) making ice ______

1) Cooking spaghetti dinner and 2) Making ice cream


When servers serve first plate, portion sizes should be ______.  

Small. This ensure the food will last, that kids can successfully clean their plates, and that food is not wasted.  Also ensures 2nds, 3rds, etc. which creates an atmosphere of abundance and plenty for them


True or false: a good time to start setting up clean up as kids are getting dismissed from the meal.

False! If you are on clean up, set it all up before you start your meal so that you’re completely ready when the kids are done

  1. Person on cleanup sets everything up. Unless they ask for help. Pizza stays out etc.

  2. Get the things going. Get the kids moving efficiently, dishes done. Goal is kids feel accomplished. 

  3. Prep happens during lunch. Water fills slowly. Sink 1 & 2 soapy water, 3 hydrogen peroxide (aka non chlorine bleach)

  4. Tubs have 1 soapy, 2 hydrogen peroxide (aka non chlorine bleach) 2 big towels for drying. 

  5. Stage small towels for drying dishes. 1 sponge for each soap sink/tub

  6. Stage the big pans and dishes in an organized way. 


What is the most watched YouTube video of all time?


True or false: announcements always need to be presented in the same exact manner, straight lecture style

False! The content of the announcement should be the same (what's in The Book), but presenting them in fun/ personalized/ multi-modal ways is encouraged! Teaching through song, games, questions, by doing, discussion, and with physical examples is expected.


What is an activity you might lead for a 1 hr camper's choice?

Sounds good! (:


Keep food as _______ as possible until it hits the plate.

Hot! Hot food: Keep the food in the oven or on the stove until the very last minute.  When you take hot food out, cover it and wrap it up until you serve it to keep it warm. Keep the lid on between servings to keep it hot.


Only adults are allowed to clean the ______.

Knives. We have a bin of knives above the sink as a safe place until instructors do their final cleanup.


What breed of cat doesn't have fur?



Where can you find the announcements written out?

The Book!


What is an activity you might lead for a 2 hr camper's choice?

Heck yeah!


Which role enforces the following expectations?

Keep our goal of consistency forefront, enforce “booty glue” and napkins in laps and volume level, and keep the meal moving.  Start end of meal announcements before kids are totally done, they’ll finish while they listen and while others are being dismissed. 

Table duty! We try to make meals quick, but a pleasant experience for the kids and adults.  


If kids are the ones cleaning, what are YOU (the instructor) doing?

Lead- Encourage them! Little chants w the kids. “Who’s kitchen, our kitchen” “Green team, Clean team”

“Extra” instructors help corral kids and chaperones who are wandering. Get them to their group.  They can support and offer to the cleanup lead to give a couple side jobs to kids if it’s a full group; 


The unicorn is the national animal of which country?


What page number can you find Pizza Lunch announcements?

Pg 64


The essential Thursday camper's choices are 1) _____ milking/superfarmers 2) _______ project

1) Goat milking/ superfarmers! 2) Baking project (preparing picnic lunch)


Why is following through on expectations so important on the first day?

Expectations of kids in the line, especially on the first day, are crucial and the servers set the tone.  The expectation is that they say please, know their order, and are sitting and paying attention in the line.  Send kids back 3 spaces if any of these things is not happening, and if it begins to be a pattern, go out and tell the line why you are sending people back.  On Day 1, the front of the line is almost always not listening at first, and this can be a time to show our consistency.


What happens after clean up is done?

The DEBRIEF. When it all comes together.  We appreciate each job matters. Teambuilding aspect emphasized. (watch U-Matter video starting at min 22)


According to Instacart, what the most disliked food in America?
