Nature Team 1
Nature Team 2

Name the one fruit below that is NOT mentioned in the Bible.

Apples, Dates, Figs, Grapes, Oranges, or Pomegranates

What is oranges?


Which grain below is Not mentioned in the bible?

Wheat, Barley, Rice or Spelt

What is rice?


Fill in the blank..  “If you have faith as small as a _______ seed, you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move.

Apple, Chia, Mustard, Melon

What is mustard?


The name of the animal that swallowed Jonah.

What is a great fish?


In 1 Kings 5:6-10 it‘s said that ‘Hiram gave Solomon timber of ______ and timber of _____ according to all his desire’.

What is cedar and fir?


Name two destructive weather patterns below that are not mentioned in the Bible.

Earthquakes, Floods, Heat Waves, Tornadoes, or Typhoons.

What are Tornadoes and Typhoons?


In the miracle of John 21 the disciples caught how many large fish?

What is 153?


Job the greatest man of the East owned many animals.  How many sheep did he own prior to fire from heaven burning them up?

What is 7000?


What mountain below is NOT mentioned in the Bible?

Mount Ararat, Mount of Olives, Mount St Helens, Mount Sinai, or Mount Zion

What is Mount St. Helens?


The word snow is mentioned in the Bible many times.  How many times is it mentioned.

What is 24?