In-On-At for Places
In-On-At for Times
Crimes & Criminals
Who said this?
Unit Contents

This monument is a landmark of our neighbors. Where is it?

I answered that it was in Buenos Aires.


This is the hour when your first class of the day starts. When is that?

I answered that it was at 8 AM.


An example would be an unwanted graffiti. What is it?

I answered that it was vandalism.


"To infinity, and beyond!". Who is this?

I answered that it was Buzz Lightyear.


The punctuation marks we need for Direct Speech. What are they?

I answered that they were quotation marks.


The teacher won't shut up about this country he visited. Which is it? 😡

I answered that it was in Finland.


This is the day the teacher arrived at this school. When was that?

I answered it was on July 26th.


These two are very similar crimes. The first one is stealing using threats and force; while the other one is sneakier and harmless.

The order is important to your answer. What are they?

I answered they were robbery and burglary.


- Enough! You are, all of you are beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by... [IS THROWN REPEATEDLY AGAINST THE GROUND]

- Puny god.

Who are these?

I answered they were Loki and Hulk.


IN, ON, and AT are this category of words. What are these?

I answered that they were prepositions.


This is the specific location you need to be everyday at 10:23 AM on Fridays. Which is it?

I answered that it was at Colegio Pumahue.


The year this movie was released. When was it?

I answered it was in 2017.


If you "kidnap" an airplane, you're committing this crime.  What is it?

I answered that it was hijacking.


"To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them".

This is Shakespeare's most famous soliloquy. Which character said it?

I answered that it was Hamlet.


The active voice form of the following sentence: "A cake was baked by Stacy". What is it?

I answered that it was "Stacy baked a cake".


This road was visited by the Beatles. Which is it?

I answered that it was on Abbey Road.


The exact date of the 8.8 earthquake that hit Chile in 2010. When was it?

I answered that it was on February 27th, 2010.


The TV series Narcos is all about this crime. What is it?

I answered that it was drug trafficking.


"Why Is It When Something Happens, It's Always You Three?". This is a very famous meme from a very famous film series from a very famous series of books. Who said it?

I answered that it was Professor McGonagall.


"Veronica argued that there was very little she could do about it".

How do we call the "argued" part in this sentence that uses Indirect Speech? Only "argued", that word alone.

I answered that it was a reporting verb.


If you're a professional, this is social network allows you to get in touch with other professionals and job opportunities. Which is it?

I answered that it was on LinkedIn.


The year Chile won its first Olympic Gold Medals. When was it?

I answered it was in 2004.


Making false items with the intention of using them as if they were the real objects. Art pieces, important documents, money... anything you can think of. What is it?

I answered that it was counterfeiting.


This green-clothed anime protagonist who loves to fish and hunt once said this very truthful statement: "If You Want To Get To Know Someone, Find Out What Makes Them Angry". Who said it?

I answered that it was Gon.


Wladimir stated: "I have visited France twice, but I am going there again next year".

If you wanted to rewrite this sentence using Indirect Speech, which tenses do you need to use? Order is important.

I answered that they were Past Perfect and Past Continuous/Progressive.

Wladimir stated that he had visited France twice, but he was going there again next year.