In what book of the Bible do we find the creation of the universe?
What was created on day 1?
How did sin and death enter God’s perfect creation?
Adam & Eve’s disobedience
Which day were dinosaurs created?
Day 6
God created mankind in two genders. What are they?
Male & female
What did God use to create everything?
His words (and dirt, Adam’s rib, and His breath)
What was created on day 7?
Nothing, God rested
What was the first thing killed in the garden of Eden?
The animal that God used to cover Adam & Eve
Which book of the Bible mentions a “dragon-like” creature that breathes fire?
How were Adam & Eve created?
Adam - dust of the ground and God’s breath
Eve - Adam’s rib
Name the Seven C’s of History in any order.
Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation
What was created on day 5?
Sea creatures and creatures that fly
What is one of the curses that came out of Adam & Eve’s sinful disobedience?
See Genesis 3:14-19
What is one “dinosaur-like” creature mentioned in the Bible?
What makes mankind different from the rest of God’s creation?
We are made in the image of God
What does the Hebrew word “Yom” mean?
A 24-hour day
True or false? Reptiles were created before birds
False (flying creatures - day 5, land creatures - day 6)
Is there anyone who can please God with their own actions or sacrifices?
No, not one (except for Jesus Christ)
How can we prove the earth is approximately 6,000 years old?
By adding up the genealogies from Adam to Jesus
Name something that makes man different than the animals?
Man can relate with God, reason, create, rule over creation, has conscience
How can you get the Biblical view of history to line up with the Evolutionary view?
By changing what the Bible says
How many things match up when comparing the Biblical order of events to the Evolutionary order?
0, none, zip, nada, goose egg
How can we know that God is merciful according to Genesis chapter 3?
He killed an animal instead of Adam & Eve
How do we know radiometric dating is flawed in estimating the age of the earth?
When rocks of recent age are dated much later or contradict Biblical records
Explain the difference between the Biblical view of mankind and the Evolutionary view.
Biblical view - man was intentionally made by his creator to have relationship
Evolutionary view - man came about by random processes without purpose