Decomposition 101
Bone Scarring
Forensic entomology and forensic botany

This is the definition of taphonomy. 

What is, "what occurs between time of death and recovery"?


PMI is an acronym for this. 

What is post-mortem interval?


Name some animals that can be found attracted to the human remains; more specifically evidence of their presence will be left on the bones. 

Multiple answers are accepted.


This is the most well-known mortis within the general public.

What is rigor mortis?


This is the field that deals with plants within a forensic context. 

What is forensic botany?


In cold environments, decomposition occurs at this rate in comparison to hot environments. 

What is slows down?


Name at least one stage of decomposition associated with the body. Hint: they are typically description of the body's appearance

What is bloating, skin slippage, marbling, drainage of purge fluids from nose, mouth, or any opening in the body, and skeletonization.


True or false:

Both larger and smaller animals can be attracted to the body. 

What is true? Typically, carnivores for the meat, however there are a couple exceptions (future question in jeopardy if you have not already done it). 


These are the three mortis'.

What is:

1. algor mortis

2. livor mortis

3. rigor mortis


This field studies insects to help determine PMI.

What is forensic entomology?


This is the individual who helped grow forensic taphonomy with the creation of the body farm. 

Who is Dr. Bill Bass?


This is one of, if not the harshest things that can impact the decomposing body; for example: destroying evidence and/or messing up the estimated PMI. 

What is water?


Due to the animals being attracted to the bones, not only can the physical evidence be impacted by also this part which makes it difficult for forensic anthropologists. 

What is location?

open, wide areas - can be over a 10-mile radius.

wooded areas - can still be spread out but not as much.

Question 1 on the study lab sheet would be an example of this mortis. 

What is algor mortis?


This is the first animal found at a body in North America. 

What are blowflies?


Name some things that you would study and look at within in the field of forensic taphonomy. 

Multiple answers accepted. 


Discuss the differences between autolysis and putrefaction. 

What is:

--> autolysis - self-digestion

--> putrefaction - bacteria destroys the body; this is more destructive


Name the four types of bone scarring evidence left on the bone. Definitions anyone??!!

What are:

1. punctures - result from canines piercing the bone

2. pits - result when the bone is compressed but not pierced

3. furrows - longitudinal gash marks resulting from attempts to access the marrow

4. scores - scratches to the bone surfaces from gnawing usually along the contours

(slide 233 in PowerPoint has pictures)


This is the definition of rigor mortis. 

What is muscle stiffness?


Describe how plants and decomposition go hand in hand. 

Multiple possible answers. 


True or false: 

Any infection present, like sepsis, can impact the rate of decomposition.

What is true?


This is the order in which organs decompose in a human. 

What is:

1. intestines

2. liver

3. lungs

4. brain

5. kidneys

6. stomach, uterus, or prostate


Animals that are omnivores, like deer, may utilize this portion of the bone as nutrition. 

What is calcium?


This is the definition of livor mortis.

What is the pooling or settling of blood in the body?


Name some weather-based or time period features that can impact PMI. 

What are blowflies do not lay eggs at night, they are not as present in the winter? Any other one?