Movie Review
Lecture Material
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
The skull and jawbone that constituted the Piltdown Hoax were found in this location
What is Sussex, England
These people are believed to have constructed the mounds in the eastern US from Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippian/Fort Ancient time period
What is Prehistoric Peoples of North America
This resource was traded in early Mesoamerican interaction spheres and may have helped lead to the rise of the Olmec civilization
What is Rubber
This rule refers to the simplest explanation that requires few other assumptions is normally the most correct
What is Occam's Razor
The is the archaeological term for objects used, modified, or made by people
What is Artifact
Although there are many theories about who constructed the Piltdown Hoax, this person is generally regarded to be one of the hoax's instigators since he discovered the evidence in question
What is Charles Dawson
Some of the uses of or reasons for the construction of the mounds are proposed to include
What is Religious and ceremonial related to possible calendar and seasonality rituals, burial, and elite residential purposes.
This Native American site and mound construction dates to the Mississippian time period and is located near present-day St. Louis.
What is Cahokia
This approach to understanding historical evidence incorporates interpretations of the past from outside of the academic archaeological community, which typically also reject the accepted scientific and analytical methods of the discipline
What is Pseudoarchaeology
This archaeological term refers to the combination of features, artifacts, ecofacts, environmental conditions, etc.
What is Site
The ape jaw used in the Piltdown Hoax was modified in these two ways in order to fool the scientific community
What is Filing down the teeth to match the teeth of a modern human jaw and breaking off the areas of connection where the chin should be to eliminate the ability to verify that the ramus was not from a human
Gavin Menzies believes a large imperial sailing fleet from this country arrived to land in the New World in about A.D. 1421
What is China
The scientific community accepts this depiction and use for circular geometric mound configurations, circular arrangements of stones, and circular arrangements of wood timbers to be a possible explanation of archaeological sites that contain such features
What is Calendars and Planting Schedules
A non-portable artifact; an association of artifacts, ecofacts and environmental variables localized in the landscape.
What is Feature
This is archaeological term for an organic or environmental component of a site
What is Ecofact
Some of the reasons individuals may perpetuate hoaxes, such as the Piltdown hoax, include the following:
What is Nationalism, monetary gain, publicity, to advance a certain theory, etc.
Reasons that Europeans believed that the mounds they encountered in the eastern and Midwest US could not have been made by Native American indigenous groups include:
What is Racism, nationalism, ignorance, believed the ancestors of Native Americans lacked the knowledge to construct the mounds, were in search of fame or fortune
Excavations in this area suggest the existence of Viking settlements on mainland North America.
What is L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, Canada.
This law refers to the strata laid down below another strata will be older
What is Law of Superposition
This archaeological term refers to the location of the artifact (horizontal and vertical location)
What is Provenience
Methodologies and technologies such as these were used to debunk the Piltdown Hoax, and are used to determine the validity of archaeological finds
What is Dating methods, chemical composition testing, photographic analysis (Pildtown was debunked by photo analysis of the molars of the teeth showed filing marks indicating they had been filed down to resemble human teeth)
Gavin Menzies cites this evidence to support his theory that the Chinese first discovered America.
What is Use of a map that shows parts of the New World that no one should have known about in Columbus’ time. Use of another map that has islands of the Caribbean on it but they are in the wrong locations. The Bimini road off of the island of Bimini which appears to be a natural geological formation, etc. The Newport Tower that Manzies says the Chinese built but was probably a windmill built by the governor of Rhode Island in ca. A.D. 1665.
Archaeological and pseudoarchaeological explanations for the features found in San Jacinto 1 located in Colombia, South America include:
What is Pseudoarchaeological: features indicate landing/take off sites of ancient aliens. Archaeological: features indicate earthen oven used for cooking
This postulate argues that geologically ancient conditions were the same as those occurring today.
What is Uniformitarianism
The combination of features, artifacts, ecofacts, environmental conditions, etc.
What is Site