What is the largest penguin in Antarctica?
Emperor penguin
Do more people visit Antarctica in the winter or summer?
Where is Antarctica located on the globe?
How does blubber help Antarctic animals? There are 2 answers.
Traps heat and helps them float
Do polar bears live in Antarctica? If not, where do they live?
No! They live in the North Pole
How many layers do people usually have to wear to go outside safely in Antarctica?
What other continent is closest to Antarctica?
South America
How thick is the Antarctic ice sheet?
2.5 miles
Do penguins have feathers or something else covering them?
Feathers! All birds have feathers
How many people live in Antarctica for the entire year?
Is Antarctica bigger or smaller than the country of Russia?
How big was the blubber on the huge whale in the video?
Up to 30 cm (1 foot)!
How long would it take to fly from New York City to Antarctica?
At least 18.5 hours
Why does the ocean not freeze when the air is so cold in Antarctica?
Because it's so salty
What is the one animal that lives only on land in Antarctica
The Antarctic Midge (the insect we showed you)
What are the 2 main reasons why people travel to Antarctica?
Scientific research and tourism
Southern Ocean
What is the average air temperature in Antarctica
-71 F