I Need a Hero!
Events Leading to the Civil War
Strikes against the Union
Politics in the 1800s
The Great Compromiser....
Who is Henry Clay?
To help balance the issue of slavery in 1854, Stephen Douglas split the Kansas territory into free Nebraska and Kansas, a state that would choose slavery or not. This compromise had a name.
What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
In 1850s, this great voice of secession passed away from complications resulting from tuberculosis.
Who is John C. Calhoun?
This political party was dead by 1860.
What are the Whigs?
First capital of the Confederacy.
What is Montgomery, Al?
This African-American woman led hundreds of slaves to freedom using the Underground Railroad.
Who is Harriett Tubman?
The Wilmot Proviso promoted this theory to solve the problem of the spread of slavery.
What is free soil?
A term describing the many skirmishes in Kansas during the 1850s between pro-slave militias and anti-slave militias.
What is "Bleeding Kansas"?
This political party stood for fear of foreigners.
What are the Know-Nothings?
This act in the Compromise of 1850 may have sweetened the deal for Southerners, but many Northerners disliked the provision. It would cause free blacks in the North to become slaves.
What is the Fugitive Slave Act?
Leader of the raids at Pottawamie Creek and Harper's Ferry.
Who is John Brown?
Harriett Beecher Stowe wrote this famous novel about the evils of slavery, intensifying feelings in both the North and the South.
What is Uncle Tom's Cabin?
This court case strengthened the power of slave-holding states by declaring the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.
What is Scott v. Sanford?
Horace Greeley started this political party in Jackson, MI, in response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
What is the Republican Party?
Virginia, Missouri, Maryland, and Kentucky were all examples of this, states the Union could not afford to lose if they were to fight the South.
What are border states?
The Little Giant...
Who is Stephen Douglas?
Stephen Douglas advocated this doctrine to balance the interests of the North and the South. It left the decision out of the hands of Washington politicians.
What is popular sovereignty?
This man received a caning for his unkind words towards a Southern Senator.
Who is Charles Sumner?
The year and the office seeking obtainment of those in the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates?
What is 1858 Senate seat from Illinois?
The President and the Vice-President of the Confederate States of America
Who are Jefferson Davis and Alexander H. Stephens?
This President from New Hampshire tried to preserve the Union by appealing to Southern interests.
Who was Franklin Pierce?
Name two provisions of the Compromise of 1850.
What is California becomes a free state, Utah and New Mexico territories decide about slavery, Texas-New Mexico boundary defined in return for Texas earning $10 million dollars to pay off war debt, Sale of slavery banned in the District of Columbia, But slavery may continue, The Enactment of Fugitive Slave Act
The first two states to secede from the Union.
What are South Carolina and Mississippi?
The number of major parties running presidential candidates in 1860.
What is four?
Name the two dueling capitals in 1850s Kansas.
What is Lecompton and Topeka?