Early Tikal
Late Tikal
The Classic Maya
Tikal had a strategic alliance with this central highland polity during the Classic period, which provided them an excess of green obsidian in exchange for tropical goods.
What is Teotihuacan?
This event occurred in A.D. 536 and caused massive droughts across the Maya area.
What is the eruption of Ilopango?
Maya structures were typically built with this architectural style.
What is apron molding?
During the Preclassic, the area of western Honduras was occupied by this ethnic group.
Who are the Lenca?
The tephra from this volcano, which erupted during the 600-700s, covered the town of Ceren.
What is Loma Caldera?
The death mask of this ruler of Tikal had shell insets and was reminiscent of Olmec iconography.
Who is Yax Ehb Xook (the first king of Tikal (ca. AD 90))?
Tikal did not employ this agricultural strategy, which made them less resilient to the Ilopango eruption and the ensuing drought.
What is agricultural terracing?
These symbols or icons indicated political affiliation and dynastic succession during the Classic period.
What are emblem glyphs?
This individual, the first king of Copan, was actually crowned at the site of Tikal before making a five-month trek to found the new dynasty in A.D. 427.
Who is Yax Kuk Mo?
Trade between Ceren and this site would be an example of vertical exchange.
What is San Andres?
On the same day as the death of Great Jaguar Paw, the 14th ruler of Tikal, this pivotal event occurred. Until relatively recently, Maya scholars thought it symbolized the conquering of Tikal in A.D. 378.
What is "La Entrada"?
Tikal was defeated by these two southern lowland city-states in A.D. 560, which was followed by 120 years of imposed rulership.
What is Caracol and Calakmul?
This type of Maya warfare was known as "capture warfare," which was thought to be an earthly reflection of battles between war gods in the heavens.
What is Chuc'ah? For an extra 100 points, what is the "elite" version of this event called?
Yax Kuk Mo married a female elite from this ethnic group, which cemented a positive relationship with indigenous Maya in the southern highlands.
Who are the highland Maya?
Based on observations by archaeologists that preserved corn stalks at Ceren were bent at around 1 m above the soil, we can safely say that the Loma Caldera eruption occurred during this time of year
When is the middle of the rainy season (August)?
This person, the 15th ruler of Tikal, was bicultural because he was the son of a Maya queen and an elite Teotihuacano.
Who is Curl Snout?
This ruler gained independence for Tikal in A.D. 680.
Who is Ah Cacao (the 26th ruler of Tikal)?
This type of Maya warfare involved a surprise attack that intended to destroy the infrastructure of a neighboring city-state. No political domination was involved.
What is Hubi?
This elaborate building was used by rulers 2-12 at Copan, a far longer stretch than buildings were usually used for. The building was repainted dozens of times.
What is Rosalila?
Loma Caldera exhibited this type of eruption, when magma erupts out of a vent beneath a body of water (in this case, the Rio Sucio).
What is hydromagmatic? For an extra 100 points, in how many layers of pyroclastic surges and falls was Ceren covered?
Under the leadership of Curl Snout in A.D. 378, Tikal carries out a successful shell-star campaign against this city-state in the Peten, which begins the "Golden Age" of Tikal.
What is Uaxactun?
This type of architectural project, which may have functioned as a "public works project," was initiated by Ah Cacao. They were built every 20 years.
What are the Twin Pyramid complexes?
This site was more resilient to AD 536, mainly due to the massive amounts of agricultural terraces constructed and use by its people, even within urban settings.
What is Caracol?
The Rosalila building at Copan was encased by a "special" type of fill which included these powerful objects that protected sacred space.
What are obsidian eccentrics? For an extra 100 points, how many of them were there and what does this number reference?
This staple crop was grown in relative abundance at Ceren, suggesting it may have been used as a trade item.
What is manioc?