Path Connections

What is "Empirical"?

Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.


Where are Foucauldian thought present within this reading?

"The power to mark physical reality, after all, is no longer granted to medical doctors, it is granted to nobody" (11) .


What is "Allopathic"?

Relating to or being a system of medicine that aims to combat disease by using remedies (such as drugs or surgery) which produce effects that are different from or incompatible with those of the disease being treated.

Where is Non-human and Human interaction in this ethnography?

>Amputated leg, physician attempting to "hear" pulse, although no pulse present (33)


What is "Ontology"?

(Metaphysics) A set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.


Where is Actor Network Theory, (or Latour) present in the reading?

"But once a microscope is added the thickened intima no longer exists all by itself, but through a microscope" (32).

What is "Praxiographic"?

(Medical) The methodology and methods of practice-theory-driven research, and the status of ‘theory’ and its relation to empirics.


Where is Tsing present?

There is a constant shifting happening in the medical sector which needs cooperation from all involved: pathologist, surgeon, patient, etc., to find an adequate resolution.


What is "Multiplicity vs. Pluralism"?

"a body may be multiple without shifting into pluralism" (151). Multiplicity is more independent, while pluralism is more interdependent. 


Where is Baudrillard, Boellstorff, and the virtual, present?

"But there again, the performance metaphor has some inappropriate connotations, after all as well, it may be taking to address that there is a backstage where the actual reality is hiding" (32).