Vital Statistics
History I
Kinship & Descent
History II

What is the population of Japan?

125 Million


Japan's industrialization occurred in the ____ century.



Who is an adopted husband?

An adopted husband is adopted by his wife's parents when he marries their daughter who remains in her natal family to continue their stem family line. The husband joins her stem family as an in-marrying spouse.


Who is a Ronin (“Warriors without masters”)?

A (young) person with a high-school degree studying for a university entrance exam


Between the late 19th century and the end of World War Two, who was the leader of Japan?

Emperor was the political and military leader.


What are Japan's three major cities?

1. Tokyo
2. Osaka
3. Nagoya

(Hint: Where are they? Take a look at the map file.)


Which mode of production was most common in the Dispersed Agricultural Society (300 B.C. ~ 300 A.D.)?

Irrigated Rice Cultivation


What are the 2 major characteristics of the stem family?

1) It consists of generations of married couples
2) It includes ancestors and the unborn


Benjamin's research conducted in postwar Japan (Day-to-day routines) describes the important role _____ play in correcting students' answers during lessons.

peers (students)


Which regime shift did Fukuzawa witness ("I join the first mission to America")?

The fall of the Edo/Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1868) and the building of the Japanese Empire (modern industrial/prewar state).


Name three minority groups found in Japan.

Possible Answers:
- Burakumin
- Resident Koreans
- Chinese
- The Ainu
- Brazilians


What was the political system of The Yamato Court (Mid-7th Century– Late 12th Century)? 

Aristocratic Bureaucracy - Political organization led by an emperor & aristocratic officials


How is descent traced in the stem family?
A) Matrilineally 
B) Bilaterally
C) Patrilineally 

B) Bilaterally (stem family based)


The postwar education system (1945-1989) is characterized by ____ years of compulsory schooling for _____ (boys, girls, boys and girls).

9 years of compulsory schooling for boys and girls


What were the 1980s and the 1990s also known as in Japan?

1980s: The Bubble Period
1990s: The Lost Decade


Who is the current leading political party?

The Liberal Democratic Party


Who run the local and central governments of Japan between the late 12th century and the mid-19th century?

samurai warriors


Name 1 of the major differences in the stem family system between Prewar and Postwar Japan

Possible Answers:
1) Prewar: One-child inheritance / Postwar: Equal inheritance among siblings
2) Prewar: Stem family as a legal system / Postwar: Stem family as a social system
3) Prewar: Greater focus on the household head and heir relations / Postwar: Less hierarchical and focused more of the conjugal bonds


Describe the educational system during the Edo Period for warriors and commoners.

There were different educational systems for samurai warriors and commoners:
- Education for Warriors: They went to schools established by local domains (or regional
- Education for warriors’ wives: Private tutoring
- Education for commoners: Boys and girls studied at private terakoya schools (temple barrack school)


The establishment of Japan as an “all middle-class society is associated with: (a. prewar Japan, b. postwar Japan, c. post-postwar Japan)

Postwar Japan


Which of Japan's 4 main islands is the furthest North?
A) Shikoku
B) Honshu
C) Hokkaido
D) Kyushu

C) Hokkaido

(Hint: Where are they? Take a look at the map file.)


According to the instructor, what is the "traditional" way of life in Japan?

(a. foraging society, b. agricultural society, c. industrial society; d. none of the above)

d) There is no prototypical Japan!


What were the 3 major impacts of the Meiji Civil Code (1898) on Japanese kinship & descent?

1) Empowered the household head and the eldest son
2) Disadvantaged women (e.g., changed property rights, marriage practices)
3) Eliminated regional variations (e.g., eldest child inheritance, youngest child inheritance)


Name 2 roles of schooling in postwar Japan

Possible Answers:
- It strongly supported the emergence of new, urban middle-class modernity
- Supported the development of Japan as gakureki shakai (“education pedigree” society)


"Disparity society” (kakusa) consciousness is associated with (postwar, post-postwar/contemporary) Japan.

Post-postwar/contemporary Japan