In relation to us, the readers, the story takes place in...
What is the future?
Equality had hoped he'd be assigned here.
What is the Home of the Scholars?
International helps Equality by...
What is keeping his secrets?
The person who discovered electricity.
What is speaking the Unspeakable Word?
The word NOT found in the first six chapters.
What is "me" or "I"?
The job assignment Equality received.
What is The Golden One?
Ayn Rand's philosophy.
What is objectivism?
Members of society can change their job assignments by doing this.
What is... nothing! They cannot change their jobs.
Equality is different than everybody else because...
What is his height and intelligence?
Equality describes the man he saw burned alive as this.
What is a saint?
Liberty's occupation.
What is a farmer?
The economic system in the United States.
What is capitalism?
The scheduled activity used in the society to make sure that everyone agrees and stays brainwashed.
What is seeing a play at the theater?
Equality thinks he's evil because of...
What is his differences from his brothers?
Equality studies this field in the tunnel.
What is electricity?
Liberty's name for Equality.
The device used to mass produce books or newspapers.
What is the printing press?
What is chosen randomly?
The type of words that are forbidden in Equality's society.
What are singular pronouns?
Equality's first scientific discovery happened as he was doing this.
What is dissecting a frog?
Equality describes Liberty using these adjectives.
What is graceful and beautiful?
The social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals.
What is beating, lashing, torture?