This form of ethnographic writing empowered the panelists in Irma McClaurin’s blog post to “write in our own voices and tell the story of Black women’s lives globally.”
What hegemonic lingua franca does Ali (2024) wish for anthropologists to question the dominance of in its publications?
Arumugam’s (2022) efforts to distance herself from her kin represents a method for obtaining an _____ perspective.
What does Chen (2021) identify as one of the main themes in her autoethnography of experiencing the Chinese national medical system as a patient?
A type of observation in which the anthropologist observes while participating in the same activities in which their informants are engaged.
Participant observation
Concept question! The belief in supernatural forces.
What obstacle does Ali (2024) identify as a barrier for non-native English speakers to publish in anthropology journals?
Financial and/or access to well-resourced educational institutions.
Arumugam (2022) was positioned by her interlocutors in Sri Lanka on the basis of her maternal and paternal ____ networks.
Chen (2021) describes a dehumanizing effect of being “turned... into a bed number.” What concept from medical anthropology does her experience illustrate?
The in-depth study of the everyday practices and lives of a people.
What course concept associated with Michel Foucault is missing from this sentence from McClaurin’s (2012) blog post? “There is a _______ in being able to write about oneself, one’s experience, and one’s community and have it validated as scholarship.”
Ali (2024) examines language use in anthropology in relation to current debates to “___________” anthropology by allowing publications in native languages and prompt and free-of-charge translations of such works.
Concept question! A theoretical, methodological, and applied interdisciplinary field that studies how race, racism, and racial inequality are reproduced in social and cultural structures.
Critical Race Theory (CRT)
Based on her anthropological fieldwork in hospitals prior to becoming ill, Chen (2021) writes that she once had a/an ________ perspective on hospitals that is distinct from her present experiences as a patient.
A primary research strategy in cultural anthropology typically involving living and interacting with a community of people over an extended period to better understand their lives.
Ethnographic fieldwork
Concept question! How local processes of racialization are mapped onto geographic space.
Racial belonging
Concept question! The use of anthropology to draw critical attention to the institutions that most people take for granted.
Culture critique
Reflecting matrilineal kinship patterns with respect to male roles and responsibilities, Arumugam (2022) resided with this member of her family during her fieldwork in Vaduvur.
Her maternal uncle.
Chen (2021) refers to her condition as a _________, “an endurable but ever-present uncomfortable sensation, a quasi-disease.”
What three "proper conditions" did Malinowski argue that fieldwork must be conducted under? (Hint: Step 2)
1. Live with the research subjects;
2. For at least one year; and
3. Speak the local language.
Briefly summarize why panelist Cynthia B. Dillard was “troubled” by autoethnography.
She does not work alone; she challenges the "auto" in auto/ethnography.
The term ______ ______, coined by French anthropologist Pierre Bourdieu (1977), highlights language as a form of social capital and heavily influences social mobility and reinforces social and political hierarchies.
Linguistic capital
Concept question! This theoretical and practice-based approach to ethnographic work associated with Franz Boas emphasized cultural relativism, historical depth, and specifics of whatever group was studied.
Historical particularism
Concept question! This term refers to when a researcher adopts an agnostic or atheist perspective when studying religions as cultural systems to understand those systems from an insider's perspective without evaluating those beliefs as valid (or not).
Scientific rationalism
The anthropologist's written observations and reflections on places, practices, events, and interviews.
Field notes