Anthropological term for explaining how people are related to one another
What is Kinship?
What people did Bodenhorn write about?
Who are the Inupiat of the North Slope (Alaskan Inuit)
Kinship association between close friends and lovers, often associated with queerness
What are chosen families?
Written in 1965 by an American social scientist, it focused on black poverty under the Johnson administration.
What is the Moynihan Report?
Said the deterioration of Black society was due to the deterioration of Black families
An anthropological term used to describe relatives not related by blood that are recognized via kinship
Think godparents!
Kin who are kin because they act like it
(hint: O versus N-O)
What are optative kin?
Choice behind it!
A form of chosen family, socially acceptable, celebrated, and sometimes heteronormative
What are adoptions/adoptive families?
Historical event/process in which Black folks were forcibly transported to the Americas and were stripped of their subjecthood
What is the Middle Passage?
Between clans, moieties, and phratries, which one has flexible membership?
What is phratry?
Basis of Inupiaq kinship
What is labor and sharing?
Limits the number of people who can be considered "Native American" in the United States
What is blood quantum?
1934 Indian Reorganization Act!
1. The primary order of discourse, people lose subjectivity through this and are othered
2. second order of discourse, the symbol of something, the marker of the ethnic/racial other
1. What is the flesh?
2. What is the body?