Sports and Cultural Arts
Art in History and Prehistory
Art and Popular Culture
Cultural Examples
Art and Culture
Sports can symbolize certain key aspects of the culture where it is highly popular. Name the U.S. sport used in your textbook to show this.
What is football?
Name the culture that is historically known for drama.
What is Greece?
Anthropologists have analyzed American movies in the same ways as myths and folk tales. Name the two movies that are interpreted in your textbook.
What are "Star Wars" and "The Wizard of Oz?"
Many works of European art were done in the service of religion. Name the artist who painted the fresco, "The Creation of Adam."
Who is Michelangelo?
The quality, production, expression, or realm of what is beautiful or of more than ordinary significance.
What is art?
Name the American value that is violated by chemically achieved success in sports (for example, using steroids to increase muscle bulk).
What is the American work ethic?
These kinds of societies have buildings dedicated to the arts.
What are state level societies?
Levi Strauss determined that one of the ways that myths and folktales can be is by replacing a male hero with a female hero. Name the female hero in the movie used in the textbook example who replaces Luke Skywalker.
Who is Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz?"
Name the culture that is known for its sand paintings, jewelry, and weaving.
What is Navajo?
All cultures have lullabies. Name the term anthropologists use for such a trait found in all cultures.
What is a cultural universal?
In U.S. sports culture other factors can be valued as much as winning. Name one of the values associated with, for example, New England Patriots NFL quarterback Tom Brady.
What is hard work (or personal improvement)?
Name the date establsihed for the oldest known musical instrument, the "Divje baby flute," found in a cave in Slovenia?
What is 43,000 years ago?
In U.S., the narratives we see in TV shows such as "Desperate Housewives" often present the lifestyles of mostly one social class, which represents a tendency to deny or ignore class differences. Name the social class which is the focus.
What is the upper middle class?
The Kalabari people of Nigeria carve wooden sculptures of spirits, not for art, but for other purposes. Describe the main use for these sculptures.
What is to manipulate spiritual forces?
Art can lead to an intense emotional release in the audience. Name the term for this emotional reaction.
What is catharsis?
This kind of culture is defined as manifestations of human creativity.
What is expressive culture?
Some of the oldest examples of art were found in South Africa at an archaeological site at Blombos Cave. Name the date established for these ancient finely shaped, symmetrical and polished stone tools.
What is 70,000 years old?
Name India's film and TV industry which inspired, in part, the Oscar winning movie, "Slumdog Millionare."
What is Bollywood?
There is a kind of folk music described in your textbook which is part of a rite of passage by which a little girl becomes a maiden (marriageable female). Name the country or culture associated with this folk singing event.
What is Bosnia/Serbo-Croatian?
Name the term defined as the art, music, and lore of ordinary people.
What is folk art?
Name the culture that, according to your textbook, is known for dance.
What is Bali?
Name the ancient date that art goes back to in Western Europe.
What is more than 30,000 years?
Name the country in which young people used TV shows with liberal content to challenge conservative local norms.
What is Brazil?
The Basongye of the Democratic Republic of the Congo use 3 features to distinguish between music and other sounds classified as "noise." Name two of the 3 features of music.
What is it involves humans, it is organized, and/or it continues?
The music of the world is studied as an aspect of culture. Name this field of study.
What is ethnomusicology?