General Knowledge
Physical Anthropology
Social Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
20th & 21st Century American Society

Which of the following best describe how anthropologists primarily learn new information about humans?

a)field work

b)laboratory experiments

c)reading travelers accounts

d)none of the above

a) field work

First-hand observation of people where they live is necessary because of the complexity of their behavior.  The same is true of studying monkeys as well as digging up remains of our ancestors.  It isn`t possible to learn much about them in any other way.


A Linguist is in a field of anthropology that studies...?



Who is the Prophet of Islam?



Anthropologists can learn the most about a culture by doing...

a) on-site fieldwork

b) laboratory research

c) both

a) on-site fieldwork

The best way Anthropologists learn about a culture is to interact with them one-on-one and learn about their cultural traits first-hand. Doing laboratory research is not as useful as it doesn't give a clear picture of daily routines/rituals and how the culture has evolved over time.


What major event in U.S. History sparked the War on Terror to begin in the early 2000s?

9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon


Which of the following is a characteristic of anthropology?

a) It is concerned with both human biology and culture.

b) It is concerned with human variation, evolution, and adaptation.

c) It focuses only on prehistoric societies.

d) both a and b

d) both a and b

Anthropologists study all aspects of humans including both biologically inherited and learned traits.  This includes such things as culture, physical variation, evolution, and adaptation to different kinds of environments.


The detailed description of a particular culture primarily based on fieldwork is called... 

a) sociology

b) psychology

c) ethnography

d) biology

c) ethnography


True or False: Theocratic governments are secular and are dictated by political laws only.


A theocracy is a government system in which the religious leaders are the political leaders. All political decisions are dominated by religious law.


True or False: Most of your cultural characteristics are easily seen by people and there is not much "below the surface."


Most of your personal characteristics are unknown to general society b/c it is "below the surface," meaning that you don't know someone that well just by looking at them.


How do archeologists know about the history and culture of Native Americans?

a) By stories passed down from previous generations of Native Americans

b) By digging up tools used by Native Americans

c) From notes written by the first Europeans to arrive in the Americas

d) All of the above

d) All of the above


Inherent in the holistic approach to learning about humans is the realization that:

a)All people are fully and equally human.

b)Ethnocentric beliefs are biologically inherited.

c)People cannot be understood by studying either their biological makeup or their cultural background alone. It is necessary to take into consideration both genetically inherited and learned traits in trying to explain how we have become the people we are.

d)all of the above

c) People cannot be understood by studying either their biological makeup or their cultural background alone. It is necessary to take into consideration both genetically inherited and learned traits in trying to explain how we have become the people we are.

Anthropologists also have learned that the considerable variability of our human experience requires an unbiased cultural relativity approach and cross-cultural comparisons to comprehend it.


Archaeology is defined as...

a) Studying animal behavior through visual observation and collection of animal dung

b) Studying human culture through the recovery & analysis of material remains/environment data

c) Studying environmental changes through the research and analysis of weather patterns & natural disasters

b) Studying human culture through the recovery & analysis of material remains/environment data


What international organization was formed to promote peace, security, and cooperation for all nations?

a) European Union

b) League of Nations

c) United Nations

d) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

c) United Nations

It is in charge of securing human rights throughout the world and monitoring the overall interactions between the member nations.


Which of the following forms of media can you find bias in?

a) Newspapers

b) Social Media

c) Television

d) All of the above

d) All of the above

You can find bias in all forms of media. The bias will change depending on the political/cultural/economic views of the media group.


What two (2) extremist leaders were executed in the early 2000s for their crimes against humanity?

Hint: Both of them are from the Middle East.

*Spelling doesn't count against you!

Osama bin Laden & Saddam Hussein


What do anthropologists mean when they refer to the concept of "integration" in regards to cultures?

a)Different kinds of people should learn to live together in peace.

b)Any successful behavior, strategy, or technique for obtaining food and surviving in a new environment provides a selective advantage in the competition for survival with other creatures.

c)The best way to study another culture is by working with a team of researchers from different academic disciplines.

d)All aspects of a culture are interrelated.

d)All aspects of a culture are interrelated.

Understanding any cultural trait requires knowing how it impacts and is in turn impacted by others.  Likewise, human biological traits do not function in isolation.  To understand them, it is necessary to grasp how they are interrelated with others.


The old Chinese practice of permanently changing the foot shape of daughters by tightly wrapping them with cloth in early childhood is an example of:

a)developmental adjustment

b)long-term acclimatization

c)seasonal acclimatization

d)all of the above

a) developmental adjustment

This cultural practice had the effect of permanently altering the shape, size, and position of foot bones so that their feet were smaller and subsequently, more attractive to the Chinese.  This is a classic example of developmental adjustment.


Which of the following is not an example of civic participation?

a) Voting

b) Signing a petition

c) Attending a political rally

d) Volunteering at the animal shelter

d) Volunteering at the animal shelter

This is a form of community service, but does not deal with politics/political activism.


Which of the following movements allowed for more cultural knowledge and expression?

a) Harlem Renaissance

b) Spanish Inquisition

c) Italian Renaissance

d) Both A & C

d) Both A & C

Renaissance = rebirth

These "rebirths" allowed more people to view, interact with, and express their cultural heritage and create art, poetry, music, literature, etc. that is unique.


Identify one (1) positive and one (1) negative effect of globalization.

Positive: better communication, new markets for goods, more access to information/news of global events, etc.

Negative: overproduction of goods, environmental damage, overpopulation in industrialized/first-world countries, etc.


The scientific method of inquiry involves which of the following steps?

a)formulation of questions based on preliminary observations

b)formulation of hypotheses or predictions that can be tested

c)testing of hypotheses through systematic observation and/or experimentation

d)all of the above

d) all of the above

After hypotheses have been shown to be correct as a result of numerous tests, they must also pass rigorous peer review by other scientists in the same field.


Developing a suntan in response to ultraviolet radiation from the sun during the summer months is an example of:

a)developmental adjustment

b)long-term acclimatization

c)seasonal acclimatization

d)none of the above

c) seasonal acclimatization

Most humans are capable of tanning, or producing more melanin in their skin, in response to ultraviolet radiation.  In the winter, there usually is less ultraviolet radiation and our bodies respond by producing less melanin--we lose our tans.


Identify 3 of the 5 Pillars of Islam.

1. One god & Muhammad is the prophet

2. Pray 5 times daily

3. Give alms to the poor

4. Ramadan - don't eat/drink from sunrise to sunset

5. Hajj - at least one time in your life make a pilgrimage to pray at the Kabaa in Mecca


Identify three (3) PULL factors for the U.S./Canada.

Anything that makes people want to move INTO the U.S./Canada, such as: better healthcare, more job availability, higher wages, religious freedom, etc.


Why is the U.S. Immigration Policy difficult to comprehend/implement? Give me 2 reasons.

1. large amount of nativism/racism

2. political sanctions/travel restrictions

3. the policies are too complicated/contradictory

4. getting citizenship is a very hard/long process