When did God create bones?
6000 years ago
How many bones are there in the adult human body?
(True or False) The majority of long bones is made up of compact bone.
By 1926, there were more than __,___ murders taking place per year.
What are the two types of bone cells that either breakdown bone or create new bone?
Osteoclasts and osteblasts
What two bone structures are key in classifying the difference between a male and a female?
The skull and pelvis
The three main ethnic categories where differences in genetic features are usually observed are... (Hint: There are 3 generalized categories)
European, Asian, and African
What is the first step required to safely collect evidence from skeletal remains?
Mapping the scene
Who published The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine?
Wilton Krogman
Where are compact bone and spongy bone commonly located?
Long bones
The male mandible is ______ in shape.
How many bones does a newborn baby have?
What percentage of total body weight is comprised of bones?
About 20%
What does JPAC stand for?
Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command
The skull is an example of a ____ ____. (types of bones)
Flat bone
The _____ arch is the angle formed where the hip bones meet in the front.
When does the lambdoidal suture begin to close and when does it finally finish closing?
Age 21 and Age 30
The coronal suture closes at...
Age 50
Dr. William Bass started the "____ ____" at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in 1980.
Body Farm
Which two types of bones can carpal bones be classified as?
Short and sesamoid bones.
Why is the ilium (hip bone) wider in females than males? (Note: The illium bears the upper body weight and supports the spine)
Helps to support the extra weight that is a result of pregnancy.
The growth plate in bones is also known as the...
cartilaginous epiphyseal plate
The brow ridge of males is...
prominent and thick with large figures