The two dominant forms of power seen in culture: one wielded by humans, the other more natural
Agentive and Non-agentive
The satisfying and creating of needs through symbolic action or labor: distinguishes humans from animals
The structures constitutive of a particular type of environment produce _______ systems of durable, transportable dispositions
This theorist relates the reproducing of structures to the exchange of gifts
The article attempts to define this concept several times: leadership or dominance of a social group over others
The 2 factors of a society's mass of productive powers (how much productivity they are capable of)
1.average labor productivity 2.population
What can grant only a conditional freedom?
The world of practicality
This theorist looked closely at Marx's ideas of how productive inequalities order people's lives
This concept is different from hegemony because it represents conscious world views that are open to contestation
These consist of human skills, productive knowledge, and cooperation in the labor process in order to be able to produce
Productive powers
This determines what is both reasonable as well as unreasonable
The ethos
Which theorist is described as lacking a clear, precise definition of hegemony in the Comaroffs' chapter?
Modes of this run a wide spectrum between organized protest/explicit movements and subtle gestures of tacit refusal
Modes of Resistance
Produktionsverhältnisse are the _____ s of _____ that produce productive inequalities or superordinate and subordinate positions
Relations of Production
The habitus makes these two things out of accident and contingency
Coherence and necessity
This theorist rejected both extremes of humanity everywhere the same and humanity everywhere different
A good hegemony must establish control and influence over its people in a way that it becomes _____ through repetition
Invisible or natural
The circular, repetitive movement of control over productive powers and people in production while also augmenting that power
Reproduction Schema
This effect is implied in the logic of the constitution of habitus
Hysteresis effect
These theorists ultimately argued that the colonization process is not simply domination and resistance
Comaroff and Comaroff